Chapter 3

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A/N okay so I know I havn't updated in a while and I'm sorry about that. With end of the school year finals it's been hard. But school is over now so I should be able to uploud more:) without further ado Chapter 3! :P


Abbey's POV

"I can't believe its Friday already," Taylor shouted," I'm so pumped up for auditions. Reading the story in class was fun in all but I would rather perform it on stage."

I grumbled a little and she just looked at me weird. "Oh come on Abigail, you did awesome reading the part of Juliet in class. Now you could possible play that role!" She practically yelled. I just don't know if I can do this. I'm too nervous I know I'll mess up. Oh well I know Taylor and Andrew won't let me back out now, so what's the point of even trying to get out of it. I mean they have had me practicing every night this week. Oh well I just want this disaster to be over.

The director calls my name to read as Juliet and Taylor to read as the Nurse. I was so nervous I'm pretty sure I failed terribly but as for Taylor she was the only thing keeping the scene from falling apart. She did wonderful to say the least. Andrew read for the part of Romeo a few time and every time he did it was amazing! I won't be surprised at all if he gets the role of Romeo and Taylor gets role of the Nurse. I on the other hand if I'm lucky will be a townsperson, in the far back corner of the stage with no lines. Heck, I probable won't even get that role.

I was only called to read once. I mean come on was I that bad, only once.They must have seen me do a scene and have thought it was a waste of time for me to do another.

After auditions Taylor suggests that we have a weekend sleepover again since its Friday. I figured sure I could use some cheering up after that train wreck I just experienced. I call my mom to ask if it was okay with her first. Of course she says yes as long as I behave myself. When we got Taylor's house we decide to make popcorn and watch a movie. Taylor goes to the kitchen to make the popcorn and Andrew picks out the movie. I just make myself comfortable on the couch. Andrew pops the movie in and the title "Lilo&Stitch" pops up.

"Yay! I love this movie!! Thanks Andrew I love you!! : P" I yell while clapping my hands and jumping up and down from the couch.

"Haha, I know that's why I picked it silly." He says while picking me up from my spot on the edge of the couch. He moves me over to sit before sitting me down right beside him, practily on his lap. "Oh and love you too Abbey" he says before kissing my cheek lightly.

Haha okay that was random! Whatever "Hey I better make sure Taylor doesn't burn the house down. I say but don't get up because Taylor just walked in with the popcorn,as I finished my sentence.

"Hey it's microwavable popcorn. I can manage it myself. Thank you very much!!: P" She says while walking over and sitting on the opposite side of couch. Taylor looks at me strangly for a second then just shakes her head, focusing on the starting movie.

I suddenly am hit with realization I'm still on Andrew's lap! "Oh my, I'm sorry Andrew I'm like really close I'll move over some." I whisper while trying to move off his lap.

But he stops me by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me back on his lap. So that my feet are laying on the couch but I'm sitting sideways on his lap, with his arm still around me.

"I don't mind at all Abbey. It's fine just stay here, okay? He whispers to me gently. I'm surpised,so I just nod and turn to watch the movie. Half way through the movie I'm now laying with my head on Andrew's lap and my feet on Taylor's lap. I'm watching the movie but Andrew is playing with my hair while watching also. And Taylor is trying not to fall asleep.

• • • • • • • • • • • •

Andrew's POV

I can't believe Abbey stayed on my lap for like half of the movie! And now she is laying her head on my lap too. I can't believe she is just laying here letting me play with her hair. She is so into the movie it's so adorable. She is adorable, to bad I can't like here. I mean Taylor would tell Abbey if she finds out. I would be so embarressed if Abbey finds out. Plus I would never hear the end of it from Taylor.

When Taylor came in the room earlier, and saw Abbey on my lap I was sure she was going to say something, or ask something. But she just shook her head and ignored it. I was so happy she didn't question it then.

I look up to see the movie is over already and the credits are playing. I turn my head to see that Taylor is asleep. I look down to see that Abbey is starting to nod off aswell. I reach over and nudge Taylor she wakes up, sees the movie is over, nods her head in good night, and goes upstairs to her room. Abbey gets up, gives me a hug, and then follows Taylor upstairs.

I go to the kitchen to get a drink. After I finish a glass of water I walk back into the livving room to see Abbey sitting back on the couch. "Why are you back downstairs Abbey?" I ask.

"Taylor literally kicked me out of the bed. So I figured I would sleep on the couch tonight."

"Haha well that seems very Taylor like, but you don't need to sleep on the couch. You can sleep on my bed tonight." I say hoping that she will take the offer.

"No I couldn't I'm fine really." I give her an are you kidding me look."Alright fine" she says with a giggle "But I'm to tired to walk back upstairs."

"I'll carry you" Before she can protest, I pick her up bridal style and carry her up the stairs to my room. I lay her on my bed and get ready to go back downstairs. I'm stopped by Abbey grabbing my hand.

"Stay it is your room after all" I just nod, grab a blanket and lay down on the floor. "Andrew I meant in the bed. I don't take up the whole thing." She says in a sleepy voice. Did Abbey really just ask me to sleep in a bed with her! What if Taylor finds out? Oh well I'm not missing this chance.

I crawl in the bed under the covers by Abbey. I surprise both Abbey and myself when I pull Abbey closer by wrapping my arms around her. Abbey froze for a second but then cuddles her head into my chest to go to sleep. I kiss her forhead and whisper. "Goodnight sweet Abbey"

"Goodnight Andrew" She whispers against my chest and falls asleep shortly after.

This night couldn't have ended better. I just take in Abbey in my arms right now. It's perfect, sadly it won't last but I'm just going to enjoy it now. I fall asleep with a smile on my face, andd my crush in my arms.

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A/N Okay so that was the most I wrote so far for my stories and I'm pretty happy about it!! It's two pages!!

Oh and congrats to @xopearl_readerxo for guessing that Andrew fancies Abbey. See I told you to wait and see. And see he definatly fancies her! lol

Tell me what you think below. Till next time my little munchkins!! :P

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