Chapter 6

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A/N Hey My Munchkins!!!!! What's up?:P

Here have an update I hope you like it!!


Andrews POV

I wake up the next morning at 6:00 to my alarm blaring. As I sit up and turn it off last night comes flooding into my mind, and a smile spreads across my face. I got to spend the night cuddled up with Abbey after Taylor left to go to work. I felt bad that Taylor had to work, but I'm also happy because I got to hang out alone with Abbey. When ever Abbey does come over it's always to see Taylor or Taylor and I. It's never just to see me, but why would she want to hang out with just me anyway. It's not like we are dating or anything. Ugh Andrew get a grip you need to get ready for school and stop thinking like this! Once I'm showered I get dressed in a black and white plaid shirt with a white wife beater under it with some old blue jeans. I brush my hair then shake it making it look messy but still nice. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen to find Taylor making breakfast.

"Yummy smells good!" I say and sit down. It's only 6:15 so we still have a half hour to kill till the bus picks us up. "Wow Tay you're actually up and ready with out me telling you to be." I laugh at my own joke. Taylor just glares at me while putting the last pancake on a plate for us.

"Haha so funny Andrew. I don't always need you to wake me up! Besides I couldn't sleep anymore! I can't wait to find out what parts we got in "Romeo and Juliet" Aren't you excited?" She asks while jumping into the seat across from me at the breakfast bar and handing me my pancakes.

"Oh yeah that's right we find out to day!" I say while eating my pancakes and getting excited. "I can't wait, it would be cool to be Romeo and if you were the Nurse." I say loudly, then whisper more to myself than out loud."Especially if Abbey was Juliet."

"What was that Andrew?" Taylor asks me while she finishes her plate of pancakes. I panic, did I say that to loud? Oh god! I shove the rest of my pancakes in my mouth and shake my head quickly while mumbling.

"Nothing" I swallow my food. "I didn't say anything." I say and stand to put my plate in the dishwasher. I avoid looking Taylor in the eye As I sit back down to put my shoes one.

"Yes you did." Taylor says with her know it all face. "You said you want to be Abbey's Romeo!" She says while laughing and putting her dishes away too. I just try to ignore her and finish putting on my shoes. "Andrew don't ignore me. I know you can hear me lil boy!" She says and laughs knowing it annoys me when she calls me little boy.

"Hey I'm older than you little girl remember. So don't call me that" I say and stand up to get my book bag from the hall.

"Well then listen to me and maybe I won't call you that. Little boy." She says with a chuckle. "Now about Abbey you like her don't you?" She asks me.

"What no I don't. That wouldn't be okay. It would be weird she is like a little sister, you know that." I say trying to stir the conversation away from me liking Abbey.

"Oh yeah, well then why else would you want to be the Romeo to her Juliet?" she questions dramatically.

"Because she is a great actress, duh." I reply quickly walking toward the door, hoping to end the conversation there.

"Yeah sure that's why. Uh huh yeah right." She laughs ands walks toward the door with me. At least she stopped talking about it. We walk outside and down the sidewalk to the bus stop at the end of the street. Abbey walks out of her house when we get down the path, she starts to run towards us. She looks nice to day she doesn't even need to try with makeup like a lot of girls do. She just has this natural beauty about her.

"Hey Andrew, hey Tay." Abbey says and brings me back into reality as she hugs Taylor then looks at me with a smile. I give her a quick hug and she pulls back smiling.

"Sooooooo Are you excited to see what parts we got in the play?" Taylor says while jumping up and down beside us.

"No not really. I mean I only auditioned for you two remember?" Abbey says. "It's not like I'll get a good part, if any anyway. But I hope you guys get a good part." She ends with a smile.

Taylor grabs Abbey and shakes her. "What are you talking about Abbey!? You did amazing at the auditions on Friday girl!"

"Yeah you did great. I'd be surprised if you don't get Juliet." I say as the bus pulls up and we start to get on. "Thanks guys but I don't know. Even if that happens I would just be way to nervous." Abbey sits down in a seat with Taylor and I sit in the seat behind them. how could she not believe she did good. She was amazing at the auditions.

"I'm sure it will all work out okay guys. We'll just have to wait till we get to school to see what we got." I say with a smile. the girls agree and turn around to face the right way till we get to school. I just get lost in my thoughts staring out the window.


A/N Okay so what do you think. I know it's not long or very good but it was something needed. As I wanted to do a little bit more POV for Andrew:)

Don't forget to vote and comment and follow loves<3

Munchkin Queen out peace:P

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