Chapter 4

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Guthie24

A/N Hey guys thanks for the few more reads and votes! :D I decided too make an update for the people who gave me these things so thanks guys!!:P

Plus this is dedicated to my best friend who is basically my sister!! I love you!!😃😝😛😂

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POV Taylor

I wake up to my phone ringing on my nightstand. Ugh! I check the text to see it's from my mom.

To: Taylor

Hey can you guys please get up and clean up your popcorn and movie mess from last night

I had to go to work. I won't be home till late.

Love you xx

To: Mom

Okay no problem :) love you too xx

After replying to my mom I realized that Abbey isn't in my room. Where could she be?

Maybe she is downstairs with Andrew. Now that I think of it they seemed really close last night. When were watching the movie she was like on his lap half the time! Andrew looked pretty comfy with her there too. Well maybe Andrew was just trying to make more room for Abbey's feet. Yeah that's it! Andrew couldn't like Abbey that's just silly!

I walk down the stairs and into the living room to look for Andrew and Abbey but they aren't downstairs!? Maybe Abbey went to the bathroom. I walk up the stairs to Andrew's room to see if he has seen Abbey.

I open the door and am surpized by what I see!! Abbey rapped in Andrew's arms both of them sound asleep! On Andrew's bed!! What is this! I'm so confused right now! Why are they cuddled together in his bed like this? Abbey and Andrew don't like each other! Or do they!?

You know what I'm just going to pretend I didn't see this. They will talk to me if this is important. I closed the door quietly so they don't walk up and see me.

I might as well go clean up the movie mess while I wait for them to walk up.


POV Andrew

I just had the best dream ever. I hung out with Abbey and she fell asleep in my arms.

I feel something moving then I realized my dream actually happened for real! I opened my eyes and looked down at Abbey snuggling in to my chest. I pulled her closer into my chest, loving every second of this. I wish I could stay like this with Abbey but when she walks up I will have to let go of her.

She looks even more precious when she is sleeping. So peaceful and sound, with a smile placed on her lips. A few strands of her beautiful black hair covering part of her face. Well the part that isn't snuggled into my chest. , anyway:) I push the few strands behind her ear gently so I don't wake her up.

Abbey begings to stur and her eyes flicker open. I'm nervous to what her reaction is going to be once she realizes where she is, Will she like being in my arms? Or will it freak her out!!!?? Ugh!!

I really hope she isn't going to freak out!

I look back down and all I see is Abbey's big blue eyes staring at me in shock! " I um I'm sorry" she whispers and looks down.

"Hey don't be sorry you kept me warm last night" I say smiling down at her.

"But I was squeezing you awfull tight, wasn't I?"

"Um Abbs you didn't loosen your grip at all now though." I say with a chuckle.

"Sorry!" She says and let's go and puts her hands on my chest, pushing herself away, putting a little gap between us. I frown and realized my arms are still around her,so I pull her back.

Togetherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें