♠Chapter 6♠

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It was like watching a damn well edited slow-mo video of what was happening, or maybe it was a slow-mo of a train wreck

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It was like watching a damn well edited slow-mo video of what was happening, or maybe it was a slow-mo of a train wreck. Well whatever it was, it was bound to be disastrous. I think I, as well as a few other people were the only ones to see what actually happened. Maybe because I was too busy not minding my own shit or whatever, but I'm secretly glad I did. Is that messed up. Maybe, but I don't really care.

Ian Campbell.

3rd year, hockey player and nerd. Not an expected combo, I know.

But apparently the nerd hockey player was not smart enough to know not to pass anywhere near the Hydra table where the Hydras and some of their fan group was sitting at. He wasn't even agile enough to stop himself from slipping on the floor, sending all his food flying onto the Hydras' no doubt very expensive shoes and jeans.


I would not want to be in his shoes.

The Hydras all stand, slowly and menacingly, towering over Ian like mountains overshadowing a beautiful, sparkling lake in the wilderness or a deer cowering before a pack of bloodthirsty wolves, no not wolves... werewolves...yes werewolves. What? I'm a photographer with a very graphic and imaginative mind ok.

Caleb growled at him, probably demanding something, but Ian stayed silent and frozen in fear. Alastor then spoke his voice loud and calm, ringing throughout the silent cafeteria.

"Leave him Caleb, it was just an accident. Right Ian?" He asked Ian who nodded quickly. "Yeah, see just an accident." He says to his friends and smile, it somewhat predatory. Caleb looks like he disagrees and wants to punch Ian, while Holt and Theo glares at him.

"Come on boys, why don't we go clean up? We're done anyway." They grudgingly leave the cafeteria with a flock trailing behind but only after Theo and Caleb bump hard into Ian sending him to the floor.

Okay, that was beyond weird. They Hydras don't just let anyone off the hook that easily. They would torment one of their fan club if they did something remotely like that. None of them, especially Alastor wouldn't have let him off like that, but he did. I would definitely watch my back if I were Ian.

I turn to the rest of my friends to see them staring wide eyed at where the four boys had exited.

"That was...weird...right?" Braidy asks the same question I was thinking.


"Hella weird"

"Why is that weird?" asks Izara. She seems to be the laid back, doesn't give a fuck, baddie kind of girl with a side of sarcasm and just a little bit of nice. I like her. A little. She's kind of sketch though.

"It's weird because the Hydras don't ever let someone off the hook that easily. There's either a beating, a prank or any other cruel torment you can think of." Answered Jillian.

"This one time they had this kid on a ski and tied him to a rope that was attached to Alastor's motorcycle and took turns driving him around at top speed. He was so scared he vomited 3 times and pissed 4." Braidy informs her.

"I'm scared to ask but why?"

"The dude accidently scratched Theo's car with frisbee. It wasn't even that big of a scratch, it was like this big." Braidy said holding up his fingers to show how big it was.

"Jesus, how come they've never been expelled or arrested?" She asks with a weird expression her face.

"Because their mommys and daddys are rich and powerful." Nathan growled out bitterly. "And Headmistress Raeken doesn't do shit about because they just keep sending money in. All they get is detention and a slap on the wrist, nothing more."

"Huh..." Izara says. She seemed to be deep in thought thinking about something. I don't even think she realized she said it. God, I really hope she doesn't turn into one of their fan girls, she seems to be way too interested in them. I know one thing I will not turn into one of their zombie minions and kiss their feet or even be any of their little conquest.

"Ok, it's almost time for bed, we should head up. Izara do you remember the way? We have to check up on something." Ruby says. I look towards her confused about what she was talking about but she avoids looking in my direction. I try catching the eyes of the others but they all avoid eye contact with me as well. I sigh as I now understand what it was about. I knew they all had some sort of secret but I had no idea what it was and they refuse to tell me so I just gave up on asking.

"Oh, uh sure, I remember." Izara responds surprised at the sudden dismissal.

"Ok, come on guys." Ruby beckons the others as they got up from their seats. "See you two in the morning." She says to Izara and I.

"Later." Izara responds.

Izara and I sat there awkwardly for a few minutes before she stands. "Well I should get back to my dorm, I'll uh.... see you later." I nod and she walks away.



Hey guys how are you guys enjoying the story so far? Please be free to comment and tell me what you thing and don't forget to vote. Sorry this was a short one, I had writer's block for this and didn't really know what to write for Lydia. Anyways I hope you all have a great and wonderful day. Byyee!!!

(Here's older Derek

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(Here's older Derek....

And younger Derek to make up for the shitty chapter🤭)

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.......And younger Derek to make up for the shitty chapter🤭)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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