Chapter One

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I woke up to my butler, Jefferson, shaking me, saying, "Wake up Miss Lynn! Today is the day you go to the Callahan's!" I glared at him and told him to go get my parents.

You see, my parents, owners of the LaGuardia Hotel chain, decided that since I was to one day inherit their business, I should live with a family who wasn't completely "financially well-off" for the summer. To learn what it was like to be middle class.

My parents are so obnoxious.

So now I'm going to live with my mother's friend from college and her family for the summer.

Jefferson hurriedly went to get my parents. Becka and Dave LaGuardia, my parents, multi-millionaires, walked into my room, 10 seconds later.

"Good morning Lynn!" my beautiful mother said, smiling a fake smile, my father behind her smiling the same fake smile.

"Hi mother. Ciao father. So, um, you see, I don't really want to go to the Callahan's home this summer, because you see, well, I don't want to inherit your hotel chain. I want to start a record company."

My parents looked at each other then started hysterical laughing.

My father, laughing, said,"Funny one, Lynn! We almost believed you there! Alright get dressed then get in the car. We have to go to a business meeting so we'll see you after the summer! Love you!"

Then, they left my room.

I got dressed and went out to the car, where Jefferson was waiting for

Jefferson helped me into the car, then we set off to Clearwater, a little seaside town, where my "foster family" lived.

"Are you excited?" Jefferson asked.

"Would you be excited if you had to live with a whole different family for the summer instead of hanging out with your friends at the yacht club and going to Hawaii with your aunt and uncle like you were supposed to do?" I responded.

Jefferson was silent the rest of the ride.

We finally arrived at the Callahan's home. A tall boy with curly dirty blonde hair, thicker and longer than mine, was sitting on the stoop of a blue split level home. Jefferson helped me and my three bags out of the car. The tall boy went inside.

A middle aged woman with short blonde hair walked out of the home smiling and waving. She walked outside and hugged me. After she let go she said, "Hi doll! You must be Lynn. Is that right?"

I smiled politely and said, "Yes. And you are Mrs. Callahan, my mother's friend?"

"Yes dear. And who are you?" she asked looking at Jefferson.

"I'm Lynn's..."

"Uncle! He's my Uncle Jefferson," I interrupted. I didn't need these people thinking I was some sort of snobbish rich kid... even though they probably already thought that.

Jefferson looked at me curiously then nodded and said, "Yes. I'm her father's friend Jefferson, but Lynn likes to call me her uncle. Dave and Becka had to go to a business meeting in Salt Lake City, so they asked me to drop her off."

"Wow! Salt Lake City! That's far from our little Clearwater," exclaimed Mrs. Callahan.

"Yeah I guess," I said.

Jefferson cleared his throat and said, "Well, I have to go Lynn. Good bye."

"Bye, Uncle Jefferson," I said awkwardly and waved to him as he pulled away in the car.

"Well dear, how about you come meet Russell and Dana?" asked Mrs. Callahan.

"Ok Mrs. Callahan," I said.

"Dear, don't call me Mrs. Callahan. Call me Aunt Renée."

"Ok," I said as she led me to the blue split level home.

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