Chapter 6

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"Kristen." I tugged on my sister's arm. She sleepily opened her eyes and yawned.

Last night, it was too late for my sister to drive back home so we spent the night at the Hyatt hotel with my dad and his crew. My mom was okay with it, however, I was afraid she was catching on to the fact I was not wanting to come home. The more time I spent with my biological parents and getting to know my real sisters Teagan and Leah, the more I began to realize that I wanted to be here and this is where I felt I belonged. Not here in this big city, but with my real family.

For an eleven year old, I sure had deep thoughts. I wish that there was some easy way to live with my biological parents and sisters without hurting the ones that took me in when I was abadoned by the ones that "love" me. After googling the story from eleven years ago when it first hit the tabloids that Sarah was preganant with me, I learned many things. For instance, I learned that an insider known as 'Kendall' was quoted saying that my parents were out partying that night and were drunk. So that's what I was. A drunken mistake.

This is why I have mixed feelings about it. Spending time with Niall and Sarah makes me know that I belong there. But when I am not with them and my thoughts creep back into my  mind, I remember what really happened that night and the real reason I am alive. It makes me wonder if they actually want me or if ot's just the shock of seeing me the first time in over a decade that temporarily makes them want me. My "parents" do want me, or else they wouldn't adopt me and shield me from the fact that my biological parents are famous to the world.

My mind floats back to the thought of my two twin sisters: Teagan and Leah. Their lives were so simple, everything was set for them. They did not have any complications or conflicts in trying to figure out where they belonged. They weren't acidental either; Niall and Sarah wanted to have them. Me? Not quite.

I look over to Kristen who had drifted back into a soft slumber. Seconds later, our hotel room door opened to reveal my biological parents, Niall and Sarah.

"Matthew, we should probably have a talk." said my father. My heart started beating out of my chest. I nodded quietly and sat down on my bed and motioned for them to join me. I urned my  head to look at Kristen who was still sleping in her bed, facing away from us.


I wasn't realy asleep. I was half asleep for a few minutes when Matthew tried to gently shake me awake; but fully awoke when two people entered our room. I recognized the Irish voice as Niall's and the gentle American voice as Sarah's.

"Matthew.. errr.. son.." spoke Niall, "We want you to come live with us. As hard as it is for us to say this, when we gave you up for adoption we knew that that meant not being with you and seeing you grow up. We didn't want it to be like that, but what choice did we have? We were young and thought we were doing what was best for you. Your mom was still in school and I was at the climax of my career.."

"What your father is trying to say is," started Sarah, "we never stopped loving you, and because we gave you up, it wouldn't be fair to take you from the ones that have grown to love you. We want you to live with us, but we know that it won't come that easily."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Were they going to try to take my brother away from our family?

"So what does this mean?" asked Matthew.

"We want to call your adopted parents." said the irish voice.

"And say what....?" interrogated Matthew.

"We want to try to convince them to let you live with us for a few months... That is.. if you would like to. You can go to school in Ireland just like your sisters and skype with your family all the time." said Sarah.

There was silence between the three. I waited along with Niall and Sarah to hear Matthew's response.

"I would like that. I just don't know how I would be able to face them while I am packing up my bags for the months I would be spending with you. I couldn't look at their hurt expressions, or Kristen. Despite our age difference, she and I are actually very close. I don't want to hurt her either."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This wasn't supposed to happen. I wanted Matthew to meet his biological parents, sure. But I certainly did NOT want him to go live with them. This is all my fault.

There was a long pause while Sarah and Niall searched for the appropriate response to Matthew's concern. To be honest, my emotions were so jumbled I didn't know what to feel.

Was I angry? Angry that my brother wanted to leave me and that two adults were taking him from myself and our family? Was I angry with myself for bringing him here in the first place?

Or was I sad? Sad that they made him happier and he does not want to stay with us?

Jealous? Jealous because they made him happier and he would rather live with them?

Or happy? Happy because he finally feels like the part of him that had been missing is now filled? I understand because I myself am also adopted. I haven't had the privilege or opportunity to meet my birth parents the way Matthew is now. I understand that part of you does feel like it is missing.

So many emotions are constantly clouding my mind and making it nearly impossible to keep my thoughts straight. I eventually came to the conclusion I was numb. My ribcage felt like it was getting smaller and smaller, my heart being twisted in knots. I couldn't let this happen.

"Why don't we discuss arrangements over breakfast? Decide how we will bring the attention of this to your guardians and work out a plan with them?"

I heard feet leaving the room as the three of them excited. Reacting quickly, I grabbed my cell home off of my night stand and dialed my house!

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

On the fourth ring, someone picked up the phone.


"Oh, mom! Thank goodness you answered!" I said with relief.

"Hi, honey! Are you and Matthew on your way home now?"

"Uhhh... Not exactly..." My voice trailed off as I tried to plan how I was going to break the current news.

Count to 3, take a deep breath, then tell her. I told myself.

"What is it, Kristen? Is everything okay? Are my babies alright?"

Those words in particular during this conversation hit a nerve inside. Just the way she said "my babies".

Count to 3, I reminded myself.




Deep breath.

"He met them. Niall and Sarah. He wants to live with them and try want him too."

What happened next was exactly what I hoped wouldn't happen. Immediate sobs on the other end of the line, followed by some tears of my own.

Finding Your Way **SEQUEL TO THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON**Where stories live. Discover now