Chapter Three

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Previously on Finding Your Way:

"Fine." she said letting out a deep breath. A wave of relief washed over me as I'm sure it did for Kristen too.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" cried Kristen flinging herself in our mom's arms.

"When's the concert?" my mom asked.

"Next week. I already had good tickets reserved in case you said yes!" squealed Kristen. She added a wink. My mom rolled her eyes.

"And it's where?" she asked.

"Cleveland. Just about an hour away!" answered Kristen. Dang, she must have been doing her research.

"Okay. Where are the seats you have reserved?"

"6th row." She answered happily.

"Okay. Matthew, goodluck." my mom joked. "Dinner is almost ready so go wash your hands and come back."

"Okay!" we answered in unison as we walked away. Once we were out of ear and eye shot, we tured to each other at the same time and highfived.

This was it. I was going to be meeting my real parents.

Chapter Three


"Niall, can you wake up the girls for school?" said my groggy, sleepy voice in the pitch darkness of mine and Niall's bedroom.

"Mhmm. Five more minutes..."  replied Niall.

I chuckled, still extremely tired, "Niall, they'll be late if they don't get up now." Niall took in a deep breath and sighed. "Alright." he said getting up. "Don't worry, you won't have the wake up duty next week when you are on tour!" I reminded him.

"That reminds me, the boys and I have practice today. It's been a few years since we have professionally sang together." he said. I felt the bed shift and the springs squeak as Niall got out of the bed.

"I'm sure you guys will still sound great." I said.

"I hope." A light flickered in the hallway where I could make out Niall's silhouette. His hair was a disheveled mess, he had a white V-neck shirt on and boxers. "Girls, wake up for your first day of school." Niall said sweetly into Teagan and Leah's room. The girls were both excited to start the 1st grade, so it wouldn't be too hard getting them up today.

I heard the sound of small feet pitter-pattering on the hardwood floors as the girls raced to their separate bathrooms to brush their teeth and use the restroom. I felt a presence enter the room. Realising it was Niall, the bed sank as he cuddled up again next to me, sharing body heat to stay warm. Sometimes I couldn't believe we had been married for six years. I can remember that first compliment Niall gave me the night that we all went out to dinner. "You look great tonight." he said with his crooked grin. Then I flashback to the night that Elliott and I broke up for the first time while we were at Milkshake City, the night Haley and Zayn started dating. I remember crying while Niall held me after taking my phone and telling Elliott off. I would have never imagined that eleven years later I would be married to him and have twin six year olds. I remember thinking it was the end of the world that Elliott and I were over. Things happen for a reason though, and I am glad they did. It gave me the best future possible with someone that I can't imagine living without.

Finding Your Way **SEQUEL TO THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON**Where stories live. Discover now