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Grayson Lake

"Peyton, it went great last night," I gush. Peyton and I walk down the hall. Today, I had A lunch and she had B lunch, so I would be eating with my other friends while Peyton had class. My other friends were nice. We hung out at parties, but I loved Peyton and she was my best friend. She's the only person I'm truly comfortable around.

People walk all around us, going to classes or going to lunch like any Friday. Everyone is wearing our school colors, black, and silver for the football game tonight. Today, we are in 42nd place. The charts are changing like crazy. By tomorrow morning, we will know if we make it into the tournament.

There is an away game tonight for regular football. The football players wear their silver away jerseys for the game tonight and their girlfriends wear their black home jerseys. This is just a normal Football Friday and I love it like this. It's the end of the week, no more homework or tests. No more getting up early till the following Monday. In my opinion, Friday night football is the best way to end the school week.

"Did he, kiss you?" She whispers the last part. I nod my head. She raises her eyebrows at me suggestively.

"I'm so happy for you Grayson. I have to get to class before the bell rings or Mr. Bee will give me an absent again." I nod and watch her walk away down the science hall.

I'm so glad I had Peyton as my friend. We've been friends since fourth grade when we both were wearing the same shirt on the first day of school. She was the new kid. I thought her taste in clothes were pretty excellent.

Maybe, I could eat with Tyler and his friends today instead. After last night, I think he might ask me to be his girlfriend! The thought made me grin. My first high school boyfriend. Wow, that felt weird to think about.

"Hey Grayson, are you working tonight? Me and a few friends wanted to get ice cream after the game." I hear Tae beside me while we walk to the lunch room. I wonder if she knows I went out with her ex last night.

"Not tonight," I look at Tae and she's wearing a football jersey. Wow, she moved on quickly. But then again, so did Tyler. "Who's jersey are you wearing?" I ask.

"Oh! Tyler and I got back together. He said he went out with some prude last night and he realized how much he missed me, so he asked me to be his again!" Every word that comes out of her mouth hurts me. The smile on my face leaves at the thought of them. He thought I was a prude?

"Hey, babe." Tyler hugs her from behind. They look like a Tumblr couple, both wearing his jersey. It makes me sick. You just wanted that to be you. A little voice in my head comments.

"Oh hey Grace, or is it Grayson?" Tyler's eyes look at me from behind Tae.

I don't say anything and walk away. How could he? He said he liked me? I was so stupid to think he would. My eyes brim with tears. I start to jog down a hallway skipping lunch. Right now, I couldn't be around people. The tears start to fall. I was so dumb to think that he would ever notice me. Oh wait, he did notice me. He just didn't like me. Or maybe he used me.

I walk into the vacant gym. It's dark but the only light is from the scoreboard. The numbers on the clock are shining down onto the glossy hardwood court. I sit on the bleachers, running my hands through my hair. Why did this happen to me? I unlock my phone and go to the camera. My face is kinda red, maybe someone would think that I just came back from gym class.

I should go to the bathroom and wash my face. I'm glad I didn't wear mascara today, or it would be all over my cheeks. I put my phone in my pocket and push myself up from the bleachers. I stare down at the floor so nobody will see my face. This would be embarrassing if anyone found out. I didn't even know if I would tell Peyton. She would just-

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