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Grayson Lake

"Where are we going?" I repeat for the millionth time. Paul shrugs, sending me a glance. I don't understand why he won't tell me. What if he's taking me to a bar? I honestly have no clue and it's starting to annoy me. I never like surprises.

"Paul," I whine. Paul smirks at me, hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. I let out a loud sigh of annoyance and lean back in my seat. Paul turns the radio up louder, drowning out my sound effects.

I pull out my phone and see it's already 8:30. This place has got to be far away. We're in another town, so I don't have any idea what is around here.

"We're here." I lock my phone as Paul pulls into a parking space. I look around at the red brick pizza place.

"Red Garlic! The best pizza place in Austin, Texas." I look around at the half full parking lot. The restaurant is pretty small. Paul rolls down the windows, and I instantly smell the sweet aroma of garlic. I notice all the Terence Asher High School tournament signs in the window. Most kids around here go to that school since it's in their district. It makes sense that the restaurant is advertising for them.

"Let's go," I cheer and unbuckle my belt. I throw open the truck door and jog to the entrance like any happy child would. I watch the many families eating and the waiters bringing trays of steaming hot pizza over. I spin around and watch Paul strolling over to me, a gorgeous smile on his face.

"Can you hurry up?" I plead. He sighs and jogs over to me. He swings the glass door out, letting me in first.

"Thank you." My face goes red. I'm actually on a date with him. I'm on a date with a guy who doesn't do girlfriends. Would he even like me at the end of the night? Crap, I need to make sure to eat with my mouth closed. Don't slouch. Don't interrupt him.

We walk in, Italian music softly playing.

"Two?" A waiter walks over to the podium and hands us menus. We nod and he leads us to the back corner by the window. I slide in the booth and look around the restaurant noticing the families and groups of teenagers our age enjoying the night.

"How do you feel about their Capris pizza?" I point to the pizza description on his menu. Normally, I would order just plain pizza with mushrooms on top, but tonight, I have the urge to eat one of their gourmet pizzas on the specialty side of the menu.

"Sounds good. I don't like tomatoes, though, so I'll ask them to keep them off half the pizza." I smile at him. He's fricken gorgeous and he looks so good in a tie. I probably sound like a creep right now. Paul looks at the appetizers.

"I want cheese sticks as an appetizer." Paul shuts his menu and places it on mine. I look around the restaurant. Yellow walls. Italian flags hanging by a string from the ceiling. The red and white checkered tablecloths. It's a cute decor. I look back at Paul, his chin resting in his hand.

"What?" I tuck my hair behind my ear and I can't help but smile at him.

"You look beautiful." I blush very hard. I can feel my face going as red as a tomato on the pizza I'm about to order.

"You don't look too bad yourself." Paul leans back, adjusting his tie.

"You know I look amazing." I look down at my lap.

"Maybe," I mutter. Paul laughs at me and I look back to him.

"Are you pumped for tomorrow night?" Paul's eyes light up even more at the topic of football. He's probably one of those guys who have been playing since he was four.

"Yeah, we're going to crush T-A. They have never had a good offensive line. You know it's a black out?" I nod my head. I already have my outfit picked out for tomorrow. Black shirt and black jean shorts.

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