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Francis is being very nice to me. Treating me like a person, a real person. I hope he and Arthur manage to get along for this project, and I also hope that Francis wants to be my friend. He seems like fun, and he's also kind and sweet. I like him a lot, so I hope he chooses not to believe the rumor. I would like another friend.

The ride to Arthur's home was significantly awkward with Francis sitting in the back seat of Arthur's car. I turned the radio on, hoping to have something to break the silence.
Francis started humming in the back as a song came on. I could see Arthur's eye twitch at the sound and I struggled to withhold a snort.

"I could stay awake just to hear you breathing,"

The radio played a familiar tune and I sang to myself, knowing the radio was loud enough so that-
"Oh! Oliver! Your voice is beautiful, sing louder, min cher!" Francis said, poking his head inbetween the front seats. Arthur let out an annoyed grunt as he pulled into a stop light.
"U-um... Thank you Francis I uh-"
"Sing!" He said.
"Stop pressuring him you idiot," Arthur said angrily.

"I could spend my life in this sweet surrender, I could stay lost in this moment forever,"

I panicked and then turned back around, facing the road. Francis sighed sadly and sat back in his seat.

"Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure,"

I started to sing at the chorus, quietly.

"I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep, cuz I'd miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing,"

I heard Francis hum happily in the back and I blushed madly. Arthur looked at me and gave me a small smile and his eyes were filled with love and I smiled back at him, hoping I gave him the same happiness he gave me.

"Cuz even when I dream of you, the sweetest dream could never do, I'd still miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing,"

We, thankfully, reached Arthur's driveway at that point and he shut off the car and led us inside. Allistor was sitting in his usual spot on the couch and waved to me as we walked in.
"Hey, Pinky haven't seen you in-"
He stopped when he saw Francis.
The two eyed each other in a very long moment of heated silence. The air between them thickened instantly and heated up, like lightening had just struck. The two stood frozen, staring at each other. The atmosphere thickened to where I could feel it on my skin and in my chest. Arthur looked between them, then at me, completely lost. I smiled at him, knowing exactly what was going on between them.
"Um... this is Francis," Arthur finally said. "Francis this is my older brother, Allistor,"
"Bonjour, Allistor," Francis seemed to have found his voice again. Allistor stared at him for a moment, eyes clouded in thought, shook his head, and then walked away, silent.
I went wide-eyed and Arthur looked at me, his eyes just as wide as mine.
I've never seen Allistor like that. Completely silent. That was so strange.
"I think he likes you, Francis," I said.
Arthur looked at me like I had just slapped him.
"I..." Francis looked at Arthur. "Is he always so quiet?"
"No, I've never seen him like that," Arthur replied, looking into the hallway where Allistor disappeared.
Francis seemed to get back his confidence and flipped his hair. "He was probably too stunned by my beauty to speak,"
"You were stunned by his," I added before Arthur could call him a moron.
Francis bit his thumb. "He was a real beauty, I admit. I have never wanted so much to grab someone and-"
"OKAY ENOUGH THAT IS MY BROTHER," Arthur finally chimed in.
I laughed, sensing that things between Francis and Allistor would definitely continue.
Francis still remained quiet as Arthur took us up to his room, throwing his bag on the bed as we stepped in. We worked out our script already at school, and we all pulled out our copies.
"Okay so, you ready to do this?" I asked, excited. I loved acting the same way I loved drawing. I wasn't very good, though. At least I didn't think so. But I could cry on command and I thought that was a neat talent.
I took a seat on the edge of Arthur's bed and Francis took one opposite me. Arthur stood off to the side for moment.
His character, Nick, was also the narrator of the story. So in our rewriting of the scene, we thought it would be interesting to have Nick narrate like an omniscient character and break the fourth wall. Meaning everything would freeze and he'd deliver his lines to the audience, describing the scene and his feelings, and then everything would continue. We also made it so that the audience got to hear Daisy and Gatsby's conversation. In the book, you didn't get to because the narrator was outside.
So with our scripts written, we practiced for several hours, and I even got it to where I didn't have to use mine anymore. Arthur was a suprisingly good actor, his voice was calm and clear and he embodied his character well. I hoped I was doing a good job. Francis was also a good actor, if a little melodramatic. But it worked out well.
At one point the scene got pretty emotional between Gatsby and Daisy, and each time I wondered if I should bring out the fake tears. I decided against it though, thinking that'd be strange.
After awhile, we took a break. Francis asked for the bathroom and Arthur directed him to it, and when he left he turned to me. His face was serious, and I was immediately concerned.
"I can't explain how angry it makes me that he is Gatsby. He keeps looking at you very suggestively and I hate that you're doing such an emotional scene together and that you're the love interest and it just-"
I cut him off by kissing him quickly.
"It's just a project. It means nothing, and it isn't real. Relax. I love you, remember?" I said.
He shook his head and then dropped it. "I know I'm being possessive and I'm sorry, but I just... I love you. I hurts to see you with anyone else, even if isn't real,"
"I know, and I'm sorry you feel like this. I'd hate to see you do anything like this, so I can't imagine how you're feeling but... I love you. You know that. I don't love him, and I couldn't love him, because he is not you. So just..." I kissed him again, trying to put what I could figure out to say in that kiss.
He calmed down quickly then and we laid down on his bed in silence, waiting for Francis to return.
After ten minutes Arthur started getting angry.
"Where is that idiot? He better not be going through our cabinet-"
"I'm sure he's fine, just relax," I said.
After twenty minutes, Arthur stood up.
"I'm going to get him,"
I followed him to the door but we froze when We saw who was in the hallway.
Allistor and Francis stood there, very close. Francis leaned his back against a wall, smiling. Allistor stood in front of him, arms folded. The two were in quiet conversation, and Francis said something and then chuckled a bit. Even from where we were standing, I could see that Allistor's face was a dark red from whatever Francis had said.
Arthur looked at me again, wide eyed. "What the hell?" He said, quietly. I shrugged, smiling.
"Maybe they'll get together," I whispered.
"Don't even say such a hideously bad idea in front of me," He whispered. "I can barely handle one of them... if they were together," Arthur shook his head and put a hand to his temple. "Ugh. I'm getting a migraine just thinking about it,"
I chuckled at him and then pulled him back into the room when I saw Francis and Allistor depart from one another, Allistor watching him walk away.
Walking right towards us.
We sat back in Arthur's bed just as Francis walked in. We pretended as best we could that weren't eavesdropping. Francis swept into the room with a big smile, his hair flying behind him.
"Could you've taken any longer, Rapunzel?" Arthur asked breaking the silence.
Francis shrugged and apologized, mumbling something about getting distracted.
When Arthur wasn't paying attention I leaned over to Francis and whispered.
"He was looking at your butt when you walked away from him in the hallway,"
Francis looked suprised at first that I had seen them, but then he smiled at me. "I know. I was hoping he would," He said. "I have a very charming backside."
I laughed and then Arthur told Francis he "Has had enough of your French idiocy" and that he "had to leave my house before the whole room smelled like wine, cheese, and sexual desperation."
Francis gasped and put a hand to his heart. "How you hurt a fragile heart, Arthur. It's cruel."
Arthur then grabbed him by the collar and dragged him down the stairs with surprising strength. Francis didn't even fight him, and let him walk him to the livingroom. Allistor sat seated on the couch. Francis waved to him, flicking his fingers and then blew him a kiss, making Allistor's face turn the exact color of his hair.
Oh, they are in love. Or they will be.
I smiled again at the two of them before sitting down next to Allistor as Arthur escorted Francis out.
"So, Alli," I started. "What do you think about Francis?" I said casually.
"He's an idiot," He said matter-of-factly.
"And you like him," I replied.
He looked at me wide-eyed and shook his head. "No of course not! He's... He's stupid and really annoying and his head is about as big as Loch Ness and he's... He's-"
"Handsome," I suggested when he paused.
"Yes handsome and-" he continued, not yet realizing what he had said.
"Charming, and his accent is sexy as hell and-" he stopped, putting his face in his hands. "Shit," he said.
I laughed. "You like him,"
"I don't even know him,"
He looked at me and then glanced at Arthur as he walked back in the house before speaking.
"Look, he is physically attractive, sure, but I don't like him. I'm not like you or Artie, I can't just become interested in people like you. I don't love people like you two do," He finally said. "I just don't. I never have. And that stupid French bastard doesn't change anything,"
"He might not now, but you'll realize it soon enough. Some people will change you and you won't even know it. One moment you'll be yourself, and then the next, you'll be a piece of yourself."
"A piece?" He asked.
"You're not whole because someone will have the other part of you. They will have taken it, and you won't realize it, won't even feel a thing. And then one day... You do,"
He stared at me for a long time before standing up.
"You sound like a damn story book, Pinky," He said, putting his hands on his hips. "Oi, Short shot, this one is a loony. Better hide your socks or he might steal 'em to sniff and put 'em on a shrine when he gets home," he said jokingly.
Arthur rolled his eyes at him.
I glanced at Allistor before smiling, and looking back at Arthur. "He's not wrong,"




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