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A/N: ^Drew that after writing this chapter


"Arthur that grin is making me uncomfortable,"
We were twenty minutes into first period and he kept glancing at me the whole time, a very elated grin on his face. Of course I was happy to see him smile, but seeing it this much made me concerned for his well being.
"Sorry, Love. I'm just very happy today,"
That makes one of us.
I'm glad he's happy though. As long as he is happy, I have something good in my life.
"That's good. Any particular reason why?" I asked.
His smile got even wider. "You'll find out tomorrow,"
"What is going on on Wednesday? You've been dropping these hints for a week,"
He shrugged and faced the front of the room.
I sighed and then drew on my desk for the rest of class. It was a little boy on a swing set, his face bright and smiling. I sat back and looked at it for a moment before adding to it. I drew wings on him. Large, angelic wings sprouting from his back. Feathers fluttered in the wind as he swung and It made me sad suddenly.
After the bell rang for that class, I got up and left quickly, waving to Arthur. My next class was college drawing and printmaking, and I raced to the room. Today was the day we were handing in our word projects. I pulled out the sketchbook and eyed it as I took my seat.
The face of a little boy was on the page. He had thin round glasses and eyes that were almost purple. His head was framed by longer blonde hair, and he looked as if he were zoned out. Anyone who didn't know would think he was simply lost in thought.
But I knew.
The boy was dead.
"Silence," I whispered.
My teacher collected our books and then gave us the rest of the period as a study hall so he could grade them. I asked Mr. Vargas if I could go to the library but instead I went straight down the hall and out of the building.
I walked into the schools courtyard and climbed up the lone tree which was planted there. It was a giant oak that was older than the school itself, and one of its lowest branches was curved into a fat "u." I left my bag on the ground and sat on the thick branch, my back resting on the trunk and my feet dangling on either side of me. I took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the tree. I closed my eyes, enjoying my time spent outside of the harsh whispers of those around me.
"Not cool, dude. Took my spot," someone's voice startled me so badly I fell off of the branch with a loud yelp. However before I hit the ground I was caught. Very muscular arms held me up easily, catching me a foot from the grass. I could feel a blush tear across my face as I was being held bridal style.
"Whoa sorry- didn't mean to scare ya,"
I looked up at the face of my savior and my stomach dropped.
"N-no it's okay, I wasn't paying much attention. My fault completely," I coughed. "Thank you, for not letting me break an arm,"
Alfred looked down at me and smiled brightly. "Nah, it's all good bro,"
I nodded and then fiddled with my fingers, unable to look at his face.
"C-can you um... Can you p-put me down please,"
He let out a loud laugh. "Sorry! You're just so light, it's like I was holding a little kid," he set me down with surprising gentleness and I steadied myself on the grass.
What now?
He stared at me for awhile, throwing his hands in his pockets. I looked everywhere but at him.
"I come here during my study halls, you know. Just to sit and think,"
"Think about what?"
I looked up at him finally, a small smile finding my way to my lips.
"So why are you here?" He asked me.
"I didn't want to be inside,"
"Oh. Why?"
"Because people are inside. And people whisper,"
"What do you-" He paused. "Oh. Right..."
I nodded.
"Well, if it means anything to you, I know that rumor is a lie," He said, face firm.
My heart stopped.
"It's a lie. I know you never hurt anyone,"
I was stunned.
No one has ever said anything remotely like that to me. He was so blunt, so honest about it. I can't... I don't know what I should do.
So I went to my default setting.
I hugged him.
He laughed and then patted my head, him being so much taller than me.
"C'mon it's nothing. I'm sorry for not talking to you sometime sooner but you know how mean some dudes are," He added.
"I'm just thankful you said anything to me at all, this is so nice of you. Thank you,"
I released him from the hug and then stepped back. He laughed that easy laugh of his again and smiled. "Hey really, it's no big deal. Just trying to be nice, is all,"
"Well not many people are nice to me, so when some one actually is, it is a big deal. I'm really thankful,"
He adjusted his glasses on his nose, a light blush on his face. "R-really, Tiny, don't thank me,"
Tiny. He gave me a nickname. It's a bit insulting, sure, but I'll take it.
I chuckled a little bit.
"I think we should get going now, third period is starting soon," Alfred said, breaking the silence.
"Oh no. I'm going home,"
"Wait? You're leaving? Like school?"
"Yes," I said plainly.
"But it's the middle of the day,"
"And I want to go home,"
"So you're just gonna leave?"
He blinked at me before shrugging his shoulders and laughing again.
"Do you, dude,"
I nodded and then ran off the courtyard in the opposite direction I came, hopping a fence and then walking home, an easy smile on my face.
Another person who is nice to me. That makes Arthur, Francis, and now him. That's three people. Three.
My heart was so light, I thought that if my feet weren't so heavy id just float into space.
"Maybe things are getting better," I whispered to myself. I got home and plopped myself on my bed, not bothering to change my clothes. I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep before I even knew it. The last thing I remembered thinking before falling into a deep slumber was:
Tomorrow is Wednesday.


It seems as though Oliver has forgotten his birthday, the little dork. But Arthur remembered wink wonk
It's also a special day for another reason *ohonhons* But you have to wait for that one

What do you think Artie's going to give Oliver for his birthday?
(Besides freedom from the dark rumor which has single handedly ruined his life and almost any chance he could've had at normal relationships.)

-new sweater
-large box of neon colored dildos
-an edible arrangement

What do you think?

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