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Jules tugged on the sleeves of her hoodie as her and her team walked into the woods for the final round of choosing students for the Sekai Takai. She let out a small huff, the condensation on the air making it look like smoke was coming out of her mouth from how cold it was.
"Good morning! At least for now. Gather around. Is everybody here?" Sensei Barnes yelled from on top of a picnic table, making all of the students, plus Johnny and Daniel turn to him. Eli, standing behind Jules, noticed her slight shivering and grasped her shoulders. He started to run his hands up and down her arms, hoping to give her some warmth.
Daniel looked over all the students before he turned back to Barnes, nodding his head as a confirmation. "Yeah. This is everyone." He said and Barnes gave the man a single nod.
"Good. Last night, I reviewed my notes. Made sure the remaining five got a fair shake." He said, looking at Johnny at his last sentence. He looked back to the students and clasped his hands together in front of him. "I've decided it's too close to call. So... you're all gonna get another opportunity to prove yourselves."
"You will follow this path." Barnes explained, pointing to the path behind him that went through the woods. As everyone looked past him and to the path, Barnes continued. "It will split and it's up to you to decide which path to go down. Down each path, is one flag. The two who brings them back wins."
Eli's face scrunched and his hands dropped from Julianna's arms. "Wait. That's it?" He asked and Lexi next to Jules had the same confused look. "What if two of us find a flag at the same time?" She asked.
Barnes slowly looked down to Lexi and she could've sworn a shiver went down her spine at the emotionless look on his face. "You fight for it." He answered.
Lexi gulped, looking behind her to Demetri and Eli. The three all gave each other nervous looks. They knew for sure at least one of them wouldn't get a spot and having to fight for it would definitely be hard.
"Are there refs out there?" Daniel asked from the end of the crowd. Barnes's eyes left Lexi and moved to Daniel. "No, they're on their own." He answered and Daniel shook his head. "But how–" "It can't get any more objective. Even Barnes isn't judging this one." Johnny said, getting tired of all of Daniel's follow up questions.
"Winning is everything, plain and simple. Take ten minutes, stretch. Use the restroom. Call your mothers. When you get back, it's go time." Barnes said and the students slowly started to disperse. Joey turned to Lexi beside him, a small smirk on his face.
"Want me to call mom?" He taunted and Lexi rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up." She muttered, walking away to go stretch.
Lexi laughed as she made her way towards Jules, who had a nervous look on her face. "You look more nervous than me and you already have a spot." She laughed out and Jules nervously bit her nail. "I'm just... trying to figure out how to congratulate two of you guys for getting a spot without making the one who didn't get a spot feel bad." Jules rambled, her words a little muffled with her finger in her mouth.