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Korra was doing her normal job at the local coffee shop. A group of girls came in and sets down they were giggling, Korra couldn't help but be interested. The girls came up do order and she notice one  was blushing, she has beautiful green eyes and silky looking hair shoving her blushing face in her scarf stuttering out.

 "y-your Cute.." she said quietly shoving her face back down into the scarf. I didn't catch what she said so ignored it. The other girls continued giggling. Soon a few came up to the counter one asking

" Do you take your Espresso?" seemed like the leader asked while the others giggled. Trying to be sly knowing what they meant when they said that, (pointing towards sexuality) simply saying

"I don't take anything straight." With a sly grin plastered across my face.

The girls left but one stayed behind at the table. Since i just got on break i went over and sat down. Before she could introduce herself i stuck my hand out.

 "Hi my names Korra! What's your name?" i said grinning ear to ear. she took my hand and shook she seemed to be blushing but i couldn't tell behind her scarf. She squeaked up.

"My names Asami Sato, pleasure to meet you." she said seeming to get more comfortable in my presents. She seems to relaxed, we had a few laughs before she put down the check and say bye before leaving. grabbing the check i look at it and see something other than the money and check its self. a note with a number saying 'Call me xoxoxo~ Asami Sato'. After i realized what happened i stand there in shock.

"Did i just get her number?" i say to my self before regaining my composure and getting off breaking going to work my mind running through thoughts of her.


Authors note: I am so sorry i know it was bad and i was just really debating on posting it but did it anyways. i guess i hope you enjoyed, i hope to learn more in the future and do more works.

Korrasami Coffee Shop! AU (OneShot)Where stories live. Discover now