Breaking the deal

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Danielle's POV
When I got back to my treehouse I cooked up the fish I had caught earlier on the fire. After I had scaled, chopped off the heads,( I know how to eat my fish peeps) and roasted them I ate them on a wooden plate with a metal fork. I was very proud of my imagined kitchenware(is that what you would call it?) and washed it often. The smell of cooked meat must of attracted some animal because I heard a rustling in the bushes. I grabbed my bow from where it was leaned up against my tree and notched an arrow aiming it at the bush. I was about to release when chuck the kid from earlier came out of the bushes. I was slightly surprised but not by much. Pan usually tested new recruits with a game of hide and seek, but most of the boys never made it to me. The thing was I had several tree houses on the island and when a new recruit came I always went to the farthest one from camp. It was on the other side of the island so if pan played hide and seek I was base, were they could hide or win. Only one lost boy made it to me, ever. That was Felix. No one ever wonders how Felix got to the top. But once Felix was given a mission, to retrieve me. It would make him second in command of the lost boys if he succeeded, and he did. Felix tricked me into thinking he had betrayed pan and I believed him because most of the lost boys had their moment were they ran. He "hid" out in my treehouse with me making me trust him mostly I think I fell for the act because I was lonely never talked to anyone for a year, desperate for company. Felix then kidnapped me and took me to pan, I was let go after I had made a deal about not interfering with pans plans. I knew his plans so I stayed well away from anything having to do with them. But here Chuck was running away from lost boys. I could aid him and help him and take him in because he came to me, but if pan wanted something from chuck then I would be throwing g our deal out the window. I, of course did the stupid thing. I hid chuck, I put him in a hollowed out tree and covered his tracks. I then waited for the lost boys to arrive.
I will be going to my grandparents house for the weekend so I will have a lot of time on my hands but he has no Idea how to use the wifi at his house and funny story when he discovered blue tooth he was talking to it on our ride to the bank he was like Anne! Hey Anne! check this out I can call your mom with talking! then he called my mother and talked to her the whole ride until she hung up because she was at work. He is very fascinated by this generation and he said he knows all the slang so you can imagine what he is like

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