Chats with Felix

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I was sitting on a log near my fire roasting a marshmallow when I heard the tromping of feet. I sighed, obviously pan had gotten a new batch and was testing them out on a "simple" game. What pan didn't know was that there was nothing simple about this. I was still sitting in "peace" when the lost boys came trampling into my camp whooping and hollering as they went. A very annoyed Felix at the front leading them to me. I blew on my marshmallow that lit on fire while I was watching them. "Why hello Felix! Have you switched from Lost boy to elephant herder?" I asked taunting him, it wasn't my best insult and it didn't seem to be phased by it. I frowned because usually my comments sent both of the ninnies over the edge of the cliff of sanity they desperately cling to. When Felix finally jogged over he looked tired and stressed out with bags under his eyes. When he got to me he just said "seems so". This shocked me. Felix was actually acting civil and I wasn't going to throw it away by pulling the grenade pin. "So what do you want from me? Or are you just passing by?" "actually I want some information on chuck the new recruit" he said. I thought this might be what this was about but a girl CAN dream. "What would you like to know? I don't really now much about him but I might be able to answer basic questions." I said acting innocent "okay, so do you know where he is? that is pretty basic" Felix said, I think he knew I had chuck but I wasn't going down on suspicion. "Well... when I said basic I meant like appearance, age, and a bit of his personality." "Quit the games Danielle, we both know you know where he is." "Pan offers a deal, you hand the boy over we won't count this as treason" It sounded good to me but if I was going to survive the season with my morals intact (like don't kill anyone, don't wear miniskirts) then I was going to have to protect Chuck."Why does pan want chuck i asked. "because he does"I was very confused at this point because I had no idea who chuck was or why he was important. Henry was the truest believer and chuck wasn't. "Well I don't know where he is so you better move along before you completely lose him" I said, which seemed to either convince Felix I didn't have him or show him I was breaking the deal. I hope it was the first one. A few minutes after the lost boys were gone and I couldn't hear them anymore I went to get chuck. "psst, hey chuck!" I whispered "come on out its safe" I heard some movement and then curly hair popped out of the tree along with a chubby body. "Do you think they know I'm here?" he asked " well its a 50% chance they know, and I just broke a deal so basically the only way for us to survive without pan capturing us is to escape Neverland." I knew this would be attempt number two and I wasn't excited to try without pans help but I had to make sure when the savior came their plan works. "so what do we do now?" "Now, we sleep" I answered chucks question. I packed up my s'mores and put them in the bucket along with chuck and myself, it was a tight fit but it worked. I hauled It up the helped chuck out of the bucket. Before chuck walked inside I imagined a sleeping bag and pillow. I put my s'mores in the cabinet and got into bed. Chuck wandered in saw the sleeping bag and got in. "So where are you from?" I asked him, I had to know where to send us back when we escaped. "I'm from a town called storybrooke, it's in Maine". this shocked me but I mean there are different time zones or whatever. time moved quicker here a day on earth was a week here so I had to get him home before anyone realized he was missing. That night I got to know chuck very well because shocker teenage boys don't sleep very well. He kept asking me questions and talking to me until finally I threw poppy seed dust at him. He went out like a light, and I could finally get some rest.
Pan's POV
Felix came back soon after visiting Danielle, his report was that she had broken the deal and had chuck. I didn't need chuck I just got my shadow to go and find the most pitiful boy he could and bring him back. I knew Danielle had to help him because girls are just way to nice. Danielle had been strutting around this island for way to long and it needed to stop Felix's job back then got her here but I didn't want a girl in camp so I made a deal with her. Now with the truest believer so close I needed her under lock and key not able to mess with my plans.
"When are we capturing the girl" Felix asked. "Tomorrow afternoon at night"
"Excellent" Felix said obviously sucking up like usual.
Let's play.
Okay so I had been wanting to add that line for quite a while but it didn't quite fit anywhere it fit perfectly here though so yay! And seriously, why is Felix so loyal? All he ever says is pan this, pan that! Actually now that I think about it all the lost boys do that... brown
Also my tech savvy ma hooked me up to the Internet here so I can update this is not coming from its normal spot cool right? Naw you guys don't care...

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