Escaping (attemp 2 part 2)

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Danielle's Pov
Hopefully Chuck could act cause we are going to do lots of it. "Hey pan, lovely night for a stroll isn't it?" I asked, for some reason we always do this when we meet. "yes it is, right boys great for hunting"pan turned to the lost boys and there were yells and grunts of approval from the pigs. Pan turned back around with his smug smile on and looked at chuck with a glare. Chuck being the 12 year old he is grabbed my hand. Pan looked at our hands with disdain and said "get em' boys" I turned away and ran dragging chuck with me as list boys chased us. I dodged trees and leaped over logs but chuck couldn't follow as fast. I knew chuck would get us both killed so I let go of his hand ignoring his look of betrayal and climbed a tree watching as lost boys surrounded chuck until eventually pan came to the front "ditched you huh? She does it to all of them. The boy she was going to escape with, Baelfire she let him go into the world by himself. She will do the same to you. All Danielle cares about is herself, not you or anybody else" pan said. That hurt me a bit, probably because it was true for a while but I had changed and I wanted to fix everything, screw the show I wanted my happy ending.
I took my bow off of my back and knocked an arrow from my quiver aiming it at pan's head. If he could catch it then he would be distracted, if he couldn't then I could go, who cares about the plot line everyone will be a lot happier without pan.
I released the arrow and it shot straight and true toward pan but before it could pierce his skin he snatched it out of the air and looked up at me smirking " oh my gosh that was so hot" I whispered to myself. Then I started rapid fire on all the lost boys, I never mean to kill only to main or seriously injure. The boys scattered and with the distraction I opened the cocoanut and grabbed the shadow's hand and pulled us down to chuck. I lifted him up by the back of his shirt. He looked up and smiled at me. "To storybrooke shadow" I yelled Hoping that was how it worked we started flying toward the ocean but before we could go any further I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was being yanked back. I almost lost my hold on chuck but I managed to hold on. I looked behind me to see pan with a small child attached to his back the kid crawled over me and to the shadow. "Shadow take this child home!" pan yelled, right in my ear. Me being the sensible person I am new we were to high up to drop didn't fight but chuck did. He squirmed and tried to land a punch or kick on pan "chuck stop! we are to high up to drop!" he looked at me and then looked down "oh" chuck said I giggled but then remembered who we were with. Pan looked at me like I was crazy "what was that noise?" pan asked with pure confusion on his face "I laughed, you know the sound of fun?" I answered as sarcastic as possible. "I know what a giggle is Danielle, but why did it come from your mouth?" I rolled my eyes at him, apparently he could be civil. "Take us down so I can plot a new escape peter" he looked at me surprised and I realized what I just said "uhh... pan, Peter Pan." he snapped out of his shock and zoomed over to where I knew where his camp was. "This is not down!" I shouted over the wind and then suddenly we started going down into the clearing of his camp. "Okay up, up!" I yelled panicked. He just chuckled and dropped faster and faster until we weren't flying at all. Me convinced we were going to die clung to pan. If he was going to try and kill me he is coming with me. Before we hot the ground he stopped then gently landed. Me still holding tight he started walking around I looked up until I realized we were alive and I let go and dropped to the ground. "Why were you holding on so tight Danny?" pan asked while I dusted myself off. I looked up at him with a glare. "I was making sure that if you tried to kill me you would go down with me!" Was my angry reply. I then realized chuck wasn't here. "Wait where's chuck pan? I swear if you have killed him I will rip of your pink bits and staple them to your forehead!" I yelled panicking. I started off for the tree line until pan grabbed my shoulders and dragged me away. He dragged me to the cages, literally I was sitting on the ground as dead weight and he was dragging my body. The worst part was that he got dirt all over my jeans. he threw me in a cage and pulled me up. I didn't resist because I still had my bow and arrows and a bobby pin in my hair. once I was sure pan had left I got to work.
Pan's Pov
I walked away from the cages in a state of shock Danielle hadn't struggled at all, it was like she wanted to get captured. Maybe she was Hoping we had chuck, that reminded me of her threat to put my bathing suit area on display. Wow that girl has some fire, but It wouldn't get her any brownie points. I walked into my tent after telling a lost boy to watch the cages. I was thinking about why I had grabbed Danielle, if I had let her go I wouldn't of had to deal with her but now I had to deal with her and her chubby puppy. I went to sleep thinking about the feel of her in my arms and the sound of her laugh...
So pan seems to be falling for Danielle but Danielle doesn't seem to me falling back.
Oh and if you read this whole author note you discover a secret but if you don't to bad but I will put it among these jokes: a man is hit with a can if soda, but he is okay because it is a soft drink chuck is alive (not for maze runner for this book) Sally has two apples the train leaves the station at 5 o'clock calculate the mass of the sun, pure because aliens don't wear hats
Okay I just enjoy saying those to pretty much everyone, they are easy to remember and usually make people laugh now I have to sleep because I am TIRED!

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