part 40

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Tae can't able to make more eye contact  so he looked down while biting his lip.

"Don't looked down. Look into my eyes, jeon taehyung," jk said in his deep voice, which made tae heart beat fast and he gulp

Tae slowly looked up and bite his bottom lip looking at jk's deep stare. Jk this stare making tae nervous. The confident and sassy taehyung is vanished infront of jk stare. Tae heart is beating so fast looking into jk eyes

Meanwhile, jk don't want to stop this staring any soon. He want tae to looked into his eyes. Tae always look beautiful but today he broke his all records and throwing thunders on jk heart sitting infront of him.

"J-jungkook," tae softly called and lick his lip

"Ahhh, I love my name from his mouth," jk screamed internally

"Hmm," jk hmmed

"S-stop staring at me like that," tae said

"Like what," jk asked and a teasing smile form on his lips

Tae blushed and looked at jk but their conversation intrupted by knock on the door and waiters come inside with food. They put all the food on the table and after bow left the room.

Taekook had their dinner in so much romantic atmosphere, which tae can't able to handle. After the waiter took back the empty dishes, jk get up and hold a remote in his hand. He forward his hand toward tae who held it with frown and also stand up.

"Let me show you some magic," jk said with smile making tae frown in confusion

Jk press the button and the dinning table they are sutting while eating hide under the floor and a big karaoke come out. They lights of whole room turn off while the roof the room started to slide and a beautiful full moon come to view which make whole room lighten.

Tae seeing all this things with surprise wide eyes and ioen mouth. Jk chuckled and tae reaction. He found tae really cute.

"Wow, Its so beautiful," tae said unknowingly making jk felt proud

"Hold on, there is more," jk whispered near tae ear and tae immediately looked at jk

"More?," tae asked with surprise and jk nodded with smile

Jk go toward karaoke and play the soft romantic song. Jk come back toward tae and forward his hand

"Would you like to have a dance with me mrs jeon," jk said and a bright blush   decorated on tae cheek

"Of course mr jeon," tae said making jk chuckled

He held jk hand, who held back tae hand really softly. Jk held tae slim waist which is perfectly fitted in jk hand while tae hand automatically on jk shoulder. Both looking into each other eyes and started to move their bodies.

"What happened to you today jeon. Why so romantic," tae whispered making jk smile

He pull tae close and wrapprd his arm around tae waist still bodies moving with music

"Its not my fault tae. Day by day you are making mecrazy," jk said looking into tae eyes

"But why. What I am to you jeon," tae asked looking at jk

For a minute, silence filled in the room. Only music is palying  making both of them to move their bodies slowly. Both looking into each other eyes deeply

"Please don't say we are nothing. Please," tae thought with fear, he unknowingly asked this question and now had no courage to take the answer

"You are the person who bring me back to life again. They life which I left really back many years ago. You teach me how to respect my family. You teach me how to  a man life should be," jk said and bring tae close by his waist now both chest is attached

Wbile tae breath is fast. His heart beating like it will come out and it really come out when jk put his large hand on tae nacked back. While both looking into each other eyes.

"Will you allow me if I said I want to show what is real jeon jungkook. The jeon jungkook you never a le to saw," jk said, looking into tae eyes

"I eagerly want to see," tae said withsoft smile bring a smile on jk face

Jk hugged tae and hide his face into tae neck. Tae also hugged jk back and closed his eyes. They both felt lot of butterflies in their bodies. Suddenly jk kissed tae neck making tae wide his eyes.

"You are so kind taehyung," jk said and tae blushed

Both broked the hug and after jk pay the bill they  left to mansion. This evening was the most magical for both. They really loved it.

They reached home and met their family, who really teased the couple. Making both to immediately left to their room hiding their blush. Taekook had shower and fresh up. Jk is sitting on bed pretending to use his mobile but his all attention was on tae who is putting his accessories and other things back on place.

After tae done, he smile looking at the clean area. He looked back and found jk is busy with his mobile. Tae apply loction on his body and face and come toward bed. He sits down on otherside

"Aren't you going to sleep," tae asked looking at jk

Jk locked his mobile and put it on nightstand.

"I was waiting for you so that we can sleep," jk said and lay down on bed

Jk this simple sentence make tae blushed and heart beat fast. He become happy thinking that his husband is waiting for him.

Tae smile and after turn off the lights he lay down on bed. Tae is laying straight looking at celling while jk is looking at tae who is glowing in dim lights making jk to claim this beauty.

Tae know jk stare very well. When he don't able to handle more. He turn to other side. Jk looked at tae back for some time then he come close and back hugged tae who taken aback at jk suddenly action.

"W-what are y-you doing jeon," tae asked and bite his bottom lip

"Just hugging my wifey," jk said and pull tae even more close and hugged him really tightly

Tae heart beat really fast. Jk one hand is under tae head while other is on tae stomach hugging him really tightly. Tae can fell jk breath on his nape which making him feel goosebumps.

"Relax wifey. I will not going to eat you. Just sleep don't be so nervous," jk said with soft smile sensing tae condition

He love it when his little touch effect tae. Jk take a deep breath and enhale tae relaxing scent. Both closed their eyes and in no time both already in their dream land

This is the first time they are sleeping like that.

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