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Tell the truth



"Ah!" The ground-shaking noise shook my skull that I rolled down the bed to crash myself on the floor while my elbow dashed the night table and the vase over it fell on the floor with a shattter noise. Followed by the alarm clock, bounced over my head and fell over my lap.

I hold it to shut it off but no where was the snooze button. My fingers played a keyboard note and somewhere I pressed it to stop the ring noise.

As I got up to look whether Marcus got disturbed by the noise, my feet stumbled by the cloth or shirt of his and I fell forward to hit my head on the edge of the cot.

"My mother!!!" My dreadful eyes drifted to the hazardous human over the bed without considering the pain in my forehead. 

I crouched before shurgging my shoulder to find him asleep. I had a chance of looking around his room, now. Yesterday I wasn't cuz he was more obvious to my sight than other things. 

A pile of clothes, abandoned dumbbells, pair of footwear— on the floor, around me—a headphone hanging by the dresser, half-opened closet and an eye-catchy 100'' fucking tv. 

I coughed in disbelief as I choke myself by the expensive shits around me. A black painting was hanging over the wall, above the bed we were in. Sliding my hand over my nest-like hair, I stared at the painting. 


It had nothing other than a small white dot on it. It was hard to notice the dot but, I love the representation of it. It was odd to comprehend what it means though. 

But it gave the unexpressable meaning within me.

I looked at the broken vase again. I am grounded for good! 

As I tried to pick the pieces, I saw a mini rover, coming towards me from unknown corner with its wheels and I gasped as it broomed the shattered pieces and moved with its tire, making a sheer sound when it glid over the floor. 

What was that?

His room, is a total disaster and I bet the mini cleaner-rover is sad that it can't clean any other things he messed up.

I sighed and turned off the AC and opened the blinds of the sliding glass door, thus the rays of the sun pounded the glass until I slid them open.

A gust of wind stroked my hair and I stepped out of the room and into the balcony which made my stomach create a knot by the wonderful sight of the pool side.

Within a minute, I grabbed all the clothes I could find on the floor and put them on the blue laundry basket. Took the hanging headphone and dabbed it into the drawer. 

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