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Nightmares had always plagued my mind, today all I could see was that strange girl dead atop my briefcase.

Looking outside, I ought to go for a stroll but the annoyance of the many maids staring always caused anger to fill my veins.

At first, I decided to sit about, then again a walk would be nice, how long until Wilkins comes back with the news?

Walking across to the grand doors that were decorated with quartz and gold, I found myself wandering around, I had always felt empty in the mornings.

Whenever breakfast was to come, I felt that something dreadful was to happen, this entire family was filled with vulgar imbeciles.

The Baron had no opinions at all, nor did he take a political standing which was the worst, he's a coward to the core.

The Baroness is a haughty woman with a vulgar attitude and thirst for excitement, as to why she married a man such as him will forever confuse me.

And worst of all, their daughter, while I had not much interaction with her, she's sinister, something about her gaze reminded me of a feral cat.

Hearing a soft meow, I look to see myself in the gardens, I had wandered so far in my thoughts I didn't even notice.

There sat a cat in the garden with a yellow bow, I believe the Lady named the feline Clementine, watching as the cat approached me, it was probably the only being here without sins.

I can't help but get on one knee and scratch behind its ear, the cat was as soft as silk, well-loved and fed properly.

"Hello little one, you wouldn't happen to know if the Baron is accepting hush money would you?"

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"Hello little one, you wouldn't happen to know if the Baron is accepting hush money would you?"

What am I even doing? Signing, I stand up when I catch a glimmer of blonde hair, looking up I see the Lady in the window, her hand to the glass, it was ghostly.

A shiver ran down my spine, and just like that she was gone, releasing the breath I didn't know I held, I shook my head, something about her was eerie, which was why I was glad she would be dead soon, along with everyone here.

After a bit, it was time for breakfast, standing at the door my stomach was in knots, I felt as something bad were about to happen, but I didn't know why.

Walking in I was met by Wilkins who smiled and served the Baron his morning tea, the Baroness sat and for once, the Lady didn't arrive before me.

Never once had she been later than me, part of me wished to ask if she were ill, but after I seated she came in, once again she wore lavender, how I despised that color on her, red would be better, blood red.

"A pleasant morning to you, Count Trixx, I do hope scones and sugar are to your liking." The Baroness asked as she waved her hand and gestured to a maid who served everyone their plates.

Her chatter always made my ears burn, as if she were speaking while hot coals were being put into them.

"Ah yes, I quite adore all the food in this mansion, you have an excellent chef baroness." I said, just wanting the conversation to end.

And of course they had an excellent chef, I picked him myself, he was a rough fellow but I needed all the bullets I could get for the day of reckoning.

While eating, the Baroness began to speak when she was soon interrupted by the lady.

"Father, what do you know of the Late Queen's demise?"

The table went silent, I felt my breath stop, and my blood boiled, it would be so easy to throw this knife right into her eye, end them here and now.

Wilkins thought the same, prepared for my orders, the tense room was quickly changed when her honey-coated voice filled the silence

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Wilkins thought the same, prepared for my orders, the tense room was quickly changed when her honey-coated voice filled the silence.

"I had heard she fell but other rumors are swirling about, oh do tell me Father, what do you know?"

She looked like a curious child the more she spoke, leaning onto the table, I could see the curiosity on her face, yet there was something deeper in those golden lemon eyes, something dark.

"Now, is this truly a conversation for breakfast my dear?" The Baron rightly responded.

As to what this girl was thinking, not even I knew, the Baroness promptly raised an eyebrow, it was clear she didn't approve of her husband's response.

"Why isn't it? I don't see why we can't talk about politics, I believe her death wasn't an accident." The Baroness said.

Which only made my heart rate rise, of course she'd think that, she was most likely there when it happened! While it hasn't been confirmed, Wilkins is sure they were one of the nobles who witnessed her drowning.

Rage filled my veins as I glared at the woman, but, all I could see after was the Lady's smile, looking at me she softly grinned.

"I see......so that's why you're angry, they know and didn't tell the world...."

Time seemed to almost stop as I heard her words, and then, before I could speak, she picked up a knife and jabbed it right through her skull.

I could hear the shrieks of her mother, the chaos as she fell to the table dead, a swift, simple execution, my stomach churned, what was that?

I tried to breathe, death was easy to watch when you were the one causing it, but seeing a girl take her own life only caused my blood to turn cold, and then everything seemed to go dark.

Opening my eyes my head felt dizzy, I couldn't remember the day, but all I could see was an image of the lady stabbing herself, a nightmare perhaps?

Little mattered, as in a few hours Wilkins would be back with the needed information to carry out the plan. 


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