Chapter: 18

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Elise's POV

It's been a tough week in the hospital so far. Thomas hasn't been able to visit me because of Comic Con and he was asked to go and perform there. He's been gone for 3 days, it's 8 days long. I want to see him.

For the past week I would wake up every night, screaming about a nightmare, then waking up remembering nothing of it. The doctor told me that's part of my amnesia. I'm worried of what all I'll remember. I won't forget Thomas, I can't lose him too.

I finally told Twitter the news and I've been getting lots of support and death threats. People these days are just cruel.

"The cancer clearly made her stupid. lol"

"She has hair everywhere but her head, she needs to pluck that unibrow and shave that mustache!"

But that's only a few of the hate I get for being sick. But the love is overpowering the hatred, so the hate doesn't really get to me.

Thomas' POV

"Hey thanks for having me! See all of y'all tomorrow!" I said waving to the other performers. I've had a great few days, but today Comic Con ended earlier so we could all have a break, and I'm going to use this time to Skype Elise.

I log into Skype and remembered that her laptop is with her in the hospital.

"Hey babe!" I hear her as her face fills the screen. I smile, even without hair she still amazes me with her beauty.

"Hi! I'm so glad to talk to you, how are you feeling?" I ask, not even caring that the connection is awful and I can barely make out her face, but I can still tell she looks beautiful.

"Awful, I'm already forgetting things and I wake up screaming every night due to nightmares and I have migraines ALL the time!" She groans, I can tell she's tired and feels awful. Her skin is whiter than paper and she is really skinny, almost as if she hadn't eaten in a month. She had bloodshot eyes and dark circles around her eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't be there. But on my way back from Comic Con, before I even go home, I'm coming to see you." I'm like the best boyfriend ever!

For like 2 more hours we talked, about everything! She told me how the patients and doctors and nurses were, I told her how the fans and other performers were. I just wish I could hold her close this second, and tell her how much I love her. But when I get to see her, I'm going to tell her and tell her and never stop.

"Well I gotta go, it's time for my medication," she said before weakly smiling and waving, I waved back and mouthed "I love you," then we both logged off.

A young nurse walked in behind an older nurse. The younger one seemed my age and was skinny, but not too skinny, she also had brown eyes and short blonde hair. She slightly smiled at me and I noticed her braces.

"Hello Elise. It's time for your medication," the older nurse said and handed me my 2 pills with a glass of water.

"Thanks," I mumbled, my attention still on the girl. She had a name tag on her scrubs. "Sadie".

"Sadie, you seem young? Do you really work here?" I asked after swallowing the pills with a gulp of water.

"Yeah I get that a lot. I am 17 and I'm in 12th grade. I decided to go ahead and start training to become a nurse because that'll pay and I need the money, and I love helping people!" She let out a bashful smile. I smiled back and they left the room. Thanks to my medicine, it makes me really tired so after taking it, a few minutes later I usually fall asleep till the morning.

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