A Comforting Hug - Jinho

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A/N: Make sure you take a big step back on Monday and Tuesday and keep from mixing it up too much with friends or family. It will be way too easy to start an argument with a careless word or odd body language. You start to feel a lot better about who you are and what you're doing midweek, and you might get a little more excited than usual about the approaching weekend. You have so much energy this weekend that you should easily be able to take care of all your tasks and still have time to party.


The apartment was a cocoon of warmth.  Soft, filtered sunlight painted at the room in hus of gold, casting dancing shadows on the walls. I was curled up on the couch, a worn copy of your favourite book open on your lap. The scene of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the subtle aroma of vanilla candles, creating a comofrting atmosphere. 

A soft thud from the hallway signaled Jinho's return.; He entered the room, his hair slightly tousled, a contented smile palying on his lips. "Home sweet home," he declared, shedding his coar and dropping onto the couch beside me. 

I closed my book, turning my attention to him. Jinho was the kind of person who brought warmth with him, even on the coldest days. His presence was like a comforting blanket, enveloping me in a sense of peace. 

"Rough day?" I asked, my voice soft. 

He stretched, a contented sigh escaping on his lips. "Exhausting, but rewarding. How about you? Lost in another world?" 

I nodded, a smile tugging my lips. "It's a good escape." 

Jinho reached for the remote, turning on the TV. Soft instrumental music filled the room, creating a soothing ambiance. Without a word, he scooted closer, his arm finding its way around your shoulders. I leaned into his side, the warmth of his body seeping into me. 

There was a comfortable silence between me, punctuated only by the soft strumming of the guitar from the TV. His arm tightened around me. It was in these quiet moments thaqt I truly apperciated his presence.

Jinho's head rested on top of mine, his breath warm against my hair. I closed my eyes, the gentle rhythm of his brathing lulling me into a state of relaxation. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of me in that perfect moment. 

Hours passed, the sunlight gradually fading as the day drew to a close. The apartment was bathed in the soft glow of the table lamp, casting long shadowsa on the walls. We were both still curled shadows on the walls. We were both still curled up on the couch, Jinho's arm still around me. 

"I could stay like this forever." He mumured, his voice barely audible. 

I smiled. "Me too." 

There was a contentment in this simple act of sharing space, a quiet connection that transcended words. In that moment, nothihng else mattered. Just the warmth of his body, the comfort of his presence, and the gentle rhythm of my shared breath. 

As sleep began to claim me, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. With Jinho by my side, the world seemed a little less daunting, a little more bearable. And as I drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was safe, loved, and cherished. 

The weight of the world seemed to lift as I nestled deeper into Jinho's embrace. The soft rhythm of his breathing was a soothing lullaby, and the warmth of his body was a comforting shield against the outside world. I felt a sense of peace wash over me, a tranquility that was rare in the fast-paced world we lived in. 

A gentle breeze carried the distant sound of children laughing, a reminder of a simpler time. I could almost taste the sweetness of cotton candy and the thrill of riding a carousel. For a moment, I was back in that carefree world, a child again, safe and protected. 

Jinho stirred, his arm tightening around me. "You're so warm." he murmured, his voice thick with sleep.

A soft chuckle escaped my lips. "You're the one who's always cold." 

He squeezed me tighter, burying his face in my hair. "I like it." he mumbled. 

I closed my eyes, savoring the moment. It was in these quiet, intimate moments that I truly apperciated the depth of my friendship with Jinho. I had shared laughter, tears, secrets, and dream.s I had been there for each other through thick and thin, and my bond had only grown stronger over the years. 

A soft purr filled the room, interrupting the peaceful ambiance. I looked down to find Jinho's cat, Luna, curled up at mt feet. The little creature's gentle purr seemed to complement the overall sense of tranquility. 

"Look at her," Jinho said, his voice filled with affection. "She knows a good thing when she sees it." 

I smilied, reaching down to scratch Luna behind the ears. The cat purred louder, her body relaxing in the warmth of Jinho's embrace. 

I left a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I love me." Jinho whispered. 

My heart skipped a beat. I didn't respond with words, but my actions spoke louder than any words could. I turned my face slightly, my lips brushing against his. It was a simple gesture, a silent affirmation of my feelings. 

Jinho deepened the kiss, his lips soft and gentle. It was a tender moment, filled with unspoken promises and shared dreams. Aa the kiss deepened, I felt aq surge of emotions, a mixture of love, longing and contentment. 

For a long moment, the world outside ceased to exist. There was only me, Jinho, and the intoxicating connection between me. It was a moment of pure intimacy, a shared secret thgat would be cherished forever. 

As the kiss ended, I rested my head on Jinho's shoulder, my heart still racing. He held me tightly, his arms a comforting embrace. The world was silent, except for the soft purr of Luna and the gentle rhythm of my shared breath. 

In that moment, I knew that I had found something truly special. A connection that was as deep as the ocean, as strong as the mountains, and as enduring as time itself.

And as I drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be. 


A/N: How sweet! 

And so, we've come to the end of our the tunnel with Jinho! It's been super fun, getting to see on how he would be like as a boyfriend, I've never tried it before. 

But now, we need to move on to Taeil next week! I wonder what he's going to treat us with! It's going to be so much fun! Will we go on spontanious dates?! I'm just dying to know! 

In the meantime, here's easy dance film: 


And Jinho's first ever japanese album will be released on the 28th! Here's the preview: 

And trailer:

See you next time!!!!



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