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That's what I felt when I looked into his brown eyes that mirrored the sweetness of honey.

I felt present...It was like my brain was finally processing the sounds around me, the people around me.


No, I mean.


I was infatuated with this man-I had to be because there was no other plausible reason...nothing logical that could explain how he was able to make me feel something that wasn't momentary pleasure.

"My bad, I should have watched where I was going." Dakari apologised.

"I should have too." I expressed, letting him know the blame wasn't on him alone as his eyes travelled down my wet upper half.

"Shit you're soaked, let me help you clean up." He offered, and his words had my own eyes travelling to his jacket that our drinks had also caught.

"Then let me do the same for you." I requested, pulling a smile to his lips as he glanced at the spill upon his jacket.

"My jacket caught the worst of it." He commented, but I shrugged.


My words told him there was no use putting up a fight which had him waving down a waiter who immediately caught his gesture because he, like everyone else, had been watching this scene play out.

When the waiter approached us, Dakari placed his glass on the tray the man held and took mine to do the same.

"Follow me." He instructed me, and I did without another word.

It wasn't hard for us to make our way through the crowd because everyone basically created a pathway for us. So when we ended up inside the surprisingly empty and clean bathroom in less than a minute I wasn't shocked.

"What now?" I asked him, and he didn't respond immediately as he approached a dispenser on the wall to retrieve a good amount of paper towel from it before tearing the bunch into half, slightly wetting one piece and leaving the rest dry. After turning off the pipe, he strolled back into my presence, blessing my nose with his deep, strong scent that almost had me drawing him in more to further explore this new smell.

"Can I? This may not help the dress but at least the rest of you won't be wet." He inquired, gesturing towards my wet skin with the paper towel he held firmly in his grasp. Instead of speaking, I nodded, allowing him to inch closer to me, pressing the damp paper towel on my skin first, probably to prevent the sticky feeling I knew would appear if he chose to simply use the dry one only.

With every move his wrist made, I tensed not only because he was invading my space, but because his actions were tender and meek like I would break if he applied any more pressure to my damp skin. Shifting my focus from his movements, I decided to take advantage of the distraction the task brought as my eyes captured his appearance which consisted of a black suit with a white dress shirt that I could only hope was not partially red because of our unfortunate accident earlier, but I ain't focus on that because my eyes soon found his bearded face that seemed to be trimmed and sculpted to perfection. His lips were full, his nose big, his eyes intense and focused, and his brows slightly furrowed with evident concentration even though the task did not require it.

My eyes continued to walk up his features to greet his loc'd hair that fell against his shoulders despite being in a bun, and his skin that reflected the ones of Kings and Queens-Gods.

Seductive Whispers (BWBM) | The Other Side Of The Game SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now