Captured - Part 1

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It was dark, you couldn't see a thing. All you could feel was the cold and damp place you were being held, and the thick cloth that was tied over your eyes. You heard footsteps and they were agonizingly slow, coming ever closer.

"Well, seems a little butterfly has wandered into my web. What ever should I do about this?" You could hear the taunting smile in your captors voice. "What do you think...Raven?" You heard another set of footsteps behind the first. It came closer until the voice was whispering in your ear.

"I think we should taste it." The voice known as Raven gave a light chuckle and you felt a tongue gently caress your neck sending a light shiver down your spine. You moaned a bit but closed your lips tightly to avoid letting them know you liked it.

"Sounds like a magnificent idea." The first voice said and suddenly you felt light nibbling on your jaw line, letting another soft moan escape. Raven then spoke.

"Be careful Spider, you want to savor the flavor don't you?" Spider smirked.

"I suppose so.." You felt a finger trace along your cheek. You felt hands reaching behind you, and the blind fold was removed. You were in a damp, dimly lit basement of sorts. Still, you blinked in the light and finally came face to face with your captors. Raven and Spider. Two very well dressed men, suave and calm. You were scared and confused but blushed all the same.

"Relax my lady, everything will be fine." Raven spoke as he pulled off his gloves. The man named Spider did the same. Raven smiled softly and drew in close to you.

"Now then my lady, stay calm and be a good pet, yes?" He drew close and began nibbling your ear lobe.

"Hang on Michaelis, don't forget this was a deal." Spider frowned a bit earning a hissing remark from the Raven.

"I told you not to use my name!" The Spider smirked mischievously, "Still,..." Spider leaned in and took hold of your other ear lobe with his teeth, all the while running a few fingers up and down the length of the side of your body.

Raven frowned but continued, kissing down your jawline until he reached your lips were soft and light as they pressed against yours. You couldn't help but notice how good he smelled. Before you closed your eyes you saw the man named Spider taking off his jacket and starting to unbutton his shirt. Raven broke the kiss and began to do the same.

"Relax butterfly...tonight shall be a night to remember." Spider's velvet voice caressed your ear as he breathed lightly against your skin, he reached below and began stroking your leg. "Such soft skin..." He leaned down to kiss your leg making you shudder, you finally were able to speak the words that were caught in your throat this entire time.

"P-please...Claude what are you doing?" you looked down at your butler.

"I've heard you, young mistress, in your sleep. These past few months, its all you've been dreaming about, do not deny it." He smirked and stood up to press his lips forcefully against yours.

"Hm?...M-mmmm..." At first the kiss took you by surprise, until you slowly gave into the longing. It had indeed been what you wanted, for so long.


When you woke up in the morning, you rolled over and felt a warm body. You noticed you were laying on an extremely soft bed, surrounded by even softer pillows. You opened your eyes and your gaze was met by the man known as Raven.

"Good morning young miss, how was your sleep?" You blinked and blushed a deep red.

"Umm..I-uh.." You rolled the other way and was faced by your butler.

"Good morning young mistress. I trust you found last night satisfactory?" You blushed even deeper and sat up to rub your eyes. You noticed you were wearing a very thin night gown and crossed your arms to cover yourself. Claude sat up and wrapped his arms around you.

"My young mistress, do not worry yourself. You look beautiful. I'll go make your breakfast." He stood and you looked away when he stood up in nothing but his boxers. He turned to look at you and smirked. "Come young mistress." He scooped you up in his arms and carried you into the kitchen.

After breakfast he drew you a bath, you relaxed in the bubbles trying to recall the events of last night. All you could remember was immense pleasure at the hands of the two men. You would have to remember to punish the butler later, and the thought of it made you smile.

The Captured Butterfly (ClaudexSebastianxReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora