Captured - Part 2 (Mildly lemony)

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As you lay in the hot waters of your bubble bath you pondered on ways to torture your butler. You could show a little more skin, or act innocent and drop something so you could bend over in front of him. Your thoughts were erased when you heard a knock on the door.

"My Lady, I have brought you fresh clothes and a towel." It was the voice of your butler Claude. You decided to play it cool for now.

"Enter!" you said nonchalantly. He came in with a blind fold on, this would never do. "Claude, Why are you wearing that blindfold?"

"Because it is not right to see a young woman before she is married." He tried to hide the blush on his cheeks by turning away a bit.

"Take it off, it's not as if you haven't seen me already." You giggled a little mischievously.

That was what attracted Claude to you, you had an innocent little routine, but deep down, you were naughty. He quickly obeyed and removed the cloth, blushing even more as his eyes wandered to your body laying in the water. You rose and stepped out of the tub, the water dripping down your well developed body. Claude bent down to help you into a pair of underwear but you stopped him with a kiss. He was slightly stunned,having not really expected it.

"Young Mistress?" He looked up at you and laid his hands on your hips.

"Yes? What is it Claude?" you looked down at the butler and giggled.

"You have guests waiting for you in the parlor." With that sentence uttered you smile fell into a frown."Your Aunt Lillith has come to call."

"I see...very well we mustn't keep her waiting." You begrudgingly put on the clothes Claude had brought you making sure to look as cute as possible.

When you entered the parlor Aunt Lillith was busily tapping her foot. "There you are! No bath should take that long!" You opened your mouth, about to speak but she quickly took care of that. "Oh nevermind! Have that butler of yours fetch some tea, Oolong!" You nodded at Claude, he bowed and set a course for the kitchen.

"Now then, straight to the point. You're a young woman, when are you going to find a husband? You need to keep the families lineage going and your body won't last. Have you looked at any eligible suitors?" She huffed and flopped down into a armchair.

"Auntie, I told you I'm not ready to be married yet." You whined cutely, somehow that always got you out of these kinds of conversations.

"Don't try that routine with me young lady. Is it that butler? I've seen the way he looks at you, he wants something, and I'll be damned if I don't have nieces and nephew who are in London's elite families."She eyed Claude as he brought in the requested Oolong tea. She sipped it and then spoke up again.

"You have ten days to figure out who you will wed. No excuses!" She took another long sip and left, leaving you fuming and tense. Claude stood in silence until you were calm enough to listen.

"Ten days to find a new husband? How unfortunate." He waited until the carriage had left the drive and pulled you close to him, breathing lightly in your ear. "You know I am contracted to do as you wish." You fell limp in his arms as he pulled you in close, planting a firm kiss on your neck.

"Ngggghaaaa...But, what do you mean Cl-Claude?" You moaned and drew in you breath sharply as he licked and nibbled at your neck. He laid you down on the couch and was slowly tracing the skin of your leg up to your skirt.

"Ah...Having fun are we, Spider?" You knew that voice, Raven.

"What if I am? She is my master and if anyone is going to be touching her it shall be me." There was a hint of jealousy in Claudes voice and it made you smirk, just a bit.

Raven walked around the back of the couch and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on your cheek. Claude hissed, "That's enough Raven. You cannot go and toy with what belongs to me." This made you blink.

"Belong to you?! BELONG..TO YOU?!" You reached up and smacked Claude then stormed to the doorway of the room and turned around. "I do not BELONG to anyone! EVER!" You stomped back to your room and locked the door.

Raven gave a light chuckle, "Oh my, it seems you've upset your little play thing.I do hope she's alright." He tilted his head and put a finger to his lips. "Shall we go make her feel better?"

Claude eyed the Raven with malice before softening his gaze and nodding, "Yes."

Raven and Spider made their way to your bedroom, and with a flick of a finger, Raven unlocked it. They silently slithered over to you bed where you were crying, facing the windows. Raven's was the first voice to slither into your ear.

"To see you so upset my lady, it hurts my heart. Come now, dry those tears. I have an idea." You sat up and dried your eyes.

"What idea?" you pouted. Claude stepped in front of you and knelled.

"Forgive me my Lady, I have made a grave error, unfitting of your butler." He ran an ungloved hand up your leg and under your skirt before a little smile played across his face. "My lady seems to have forgotten her undergarments today." He played with the tender flesh between your thighs.

You gasped at his touch, "I...Ahhh..I didn't forget. Hnnn..." Claude pulled back to wet fingers and smirked. "Is that so? Well that's not proper. I think we may need to teach her how to properly dress Raven." He said turning to his accomplice.

Raven smiled naughtily and began unbuttoning your dress. "And what better way to learn than from square one?"

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