Captured - Part 4

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The Raven grabbed the towel from the Spider and began clean himself quickly. "Well it's obvious isn't it? The lady's aunt wants her to be married and she doesn't want to be. So all we have to do is rig the wedding to look real."

"And how exactly would we go about doing that?" The spider raised an eyebrow at the Raven.

"There are a number of ways. We could find a sketchy priest. We could fake the documentation or...." Here he smirked softly.

"Or?..." You looked up at the demon. "Tell me!" You leaned against the side of the couch and Claude began to clean you up as well, slipping your shirt and skirt back on your body.

"Or you could find a fake groom...Say...a demon disguised as a potential suitor?" He tilted his head with a smile on his lips.

Your eyes went back and forth between the demons as his words slowly sank in. M-Marry...a demon?!

"H-Hang on! You want me to marry one of you?! Hu-uh no way!"

Your butler looked at you with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Do you have another suggestion then? After all. I live here and I'm already under contract you my lady. Wouldn't this be a natural next step?" He teased.

Sebastian looked at his watch and bowed, taking his leave before jumping out the window. You turned your attention to Claude who was in the process of swiftly cleaning up the room after your "encounter" with the demons. "Do you really think marrying one of you two is the best idea? What is auntie finds out its you?"

Claude turned his attention to you and blinked softly, "Well, there is always Sebastian."

Rolling your eyes and huffing softly, you looked at your butler. "Don't even talk like that! If I marry anyone it would be your...but...o-only for my aunt!" you stumbled over your words as you spoke, realizing how they sounded.

The demon smirked and walked over to face you bowing slightly. "I'm flattered your Highness."

"Oh shut up!" A dark blush formed on your cheeks and you punched him. For a girl you could hit pretty hard, but not hard enough to even remotely hurt a demon.

"Apologies my lady, however I can offer a solution to your aunt." He stood and looked down at you.

"I don't want to kill her..."

"No, it's not that. You know I can shape shift. Let's try something. Close your eyes and picture the perfect husband. What he would look like, and concentrate on it. .... Ready?"

You nodded and Claude connected with your mind, changing his feature to suit the image in your head. His clothing changed to that of a normal navy suit. His hair grew longer, but stayed black as he tied it back his glasses remained and his facial features changed slightly. His nose became a bit rounder, his eyes changed shape although he still needed glasses. His legs shortened to be a bit taller than you instead of just towering over you.

Opening your eyes your darkened as the picture in your mind came to life. The man before you smirked softly. "I see you changed nearly everything but the one thing that counts is still the same."

Your eyes went wide. "Y-You pervert!!" A punch landed on his arm and he chuckled softly.

"What's going on here?! Who's a pervert?!" suddenly your aunt barged into the room, a strange looking man behind her. "Will someone mind telling me whats going on her?" She raised her voice and you covered your ears. "A-Auntie?! Nothings happening!"

"Then who is that??" She pointed her umbrella at the new man that used to be your butler. You looked at the boy and the man behind your aunt raised his eyebrows.

"Th-this is.....R-Randal. Randal Thompson!" A sweat drop appeared on Claude's forehead."Was that the best she could come up with?"

"And...he's my new fiancee!" You faked a smile as you presented him to your aunt who in turn, turned up her nose and walked over to inspect the man. "I don't see a ring on her finger. Are you even a noble, boy?"

Claude bowed low and smiled. "Apologies my dear lady, you burst into the room before I could offer it." he smiled and got on one knee in front of you, pulling a box from his pocket. "My lady...will you marry me?"

"Hold on one moment!! I asked you if you were noble!" She yanked the butler from his knees and brought him face to face with her.

"Of course my Lady. Have you not heard of Thompson and Company?" You looked at the butler confused. Was he really making something up? "We are an elite group of manufacturers for carriages and buggies. My estate is worth millions."You aunt immediately dropped the man as if she was going to have a heart attack.

"M-Millions?! O-Oh my dear boy. I'm sorry for interrupting such a touching moment. Please continue!!" She smiled wide and stepped back turning to the strange man in the doorway. "You will no longer be needed Edward!" the man huffed and turn heel, walking out the door.

Claude held the ring up once more, "Will you?" You went over this in your mind. Marry your butler? Could it possibly work? What would happen after the wedding?Would you technically be the wife to a demon?

"......I will~" You smiled and the demon slipped the ring onto your finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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