Chapter 7- BLOG ENTRY 3

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Good afternoon, I think I have reached the new form of CRAZY. I am officially going CRAZYBALLS. Yes, I did say CRAZYBALLS. I cant eat, I cant think straight and I cant even be myself in my own home! the literally sense.

I woke up this morning to the hott guy who I had made out with walk into my bedroom half naked with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair and body dripping in water and just UGH SO FRIGGIN HOT.

He walks into my room and asks "Hey Ariel, I'm going to the gym. Want to come with?"

I stay tucked in under my covers staring at this juicy hunk of a man. My brain was pounding and my throat was dry.

I wasn't even wearing a bra under my Hello Kitty pajamas and fuzzy sponge bob socks.

"" I stutter like my tongue somehow evaporated. He just stood there being hot and chucking to himself saying "Alright..I guess Ill take that as a no. Later sis"

He did this on purpose. There was no need to let me know he was going to the gym. A simple text would have been nice...OH WAIT- I dont even have his number...

ANYWAY coming into my room half-naked at 10am was not nescessary on any degree.

Im sitting in my dressing room waiting on Samantha to bring me my Caramel Frap and frantically going insane.

I cant let Xavier get to my head. Its morally and physically wrong. He is my brother dammit.

Christ, he can potentially be my brother.

Until then....


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