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(Marjorie's pov)

I am woken up to the sound of my alarm, and a headache. I reach over and turn off the alarm, attempting to get up and out of bed. However I fall right back into it, I stood up too quick and felt super dizzy. No, I am ill. I can't be, I really can't miss work. Thankfully, Reece is still asleep so he didn't see that. "Reece, you need to get up." I say, gently shaking him awake before standing up, slowly this time. "Reece, get out of bed." I say, before walking into the bathroom, hearing him stir and move around.

A few minutes later, I walk back out the bathroom and over to the wardrobe, grabbing onto the handles as I feel a wave of dizziness. I feel Reece's hand slide round my waist and I tune myself around, wrapping my arms round his neck, which helps keep me steady. "What was that?" he asks a confused look on his face. Oh god, I can't let him know, "What was what?" I ask back, keeping a straight face and trying to sound like I didn't know anything. "You, clinging onto the wardrobe for dear life. Are you ok? Do you feel sick, dizzy?" he starts questioning and I feel another wave of dizziness. I cling onto Reece tighter and pull him in for a kiss, which keeps me steady, covers up the fact that I held him tighter, stops his questioning, and is overall my favourite thing, which helps with muting the sick feeling. "Okay, what was that for?" he asks smiling at me. "Nothing I just love you." I respond, a dopey grin coming across my face. "Okay.. Anyways we need to get ready for work now." he says, letting go and walking into the bathroom.

Phew. I turn around and pick out an outfit, well my usual work outfit. I slide that on and then go to do my hair. I've decided that I want to just leave it as it is, I'm too tired to fuss about with it, so I just brush it and then move onto my makeup. I have to do extra makeup to hide the paleness of my skin and the bags under my eyes. Just as I start my makeup, Reece walks out and gets ready. He headed downstairs about 10 minutes ago, I assume to make food. I finish up the last few bits and head downstairs, slowly as I'm worried I may fall again. I walk into the kitchen and find him cooking, only eggs but they smelt amazing. Maybe this is what I need, some food, then I may feel better.

I sit down at the island, waiting for him to finish. When he brings the food over, I give him a quick kiss before he sits next to me and we both eat. By the time we finish, we have to shoot out the door. I grab my phone and Reece grabs the keys, we get into the car and just as he is about to drive I stop him, "WAIT!" I yell, he stops the car and I jump out, running back into the house and upstairs. I go to the wardrobe and grab one of Reece's hoodies, they always make me feel better when I'm ill and away from him. I run back downstairs and jump back into the car, strapping in as Reece pulls out the driveway. "You okay gorgeous? You grabbed one of my hoodies?" he asks, placing his hand on my thigh and gently squeezing. "Uhm yeah, I just think I might need it, that's all." I say, taking his hand and softly squeezing it.

Once we finally get to work, I am about 15 minutes late. Once the car stops, I jump out, yelling back at Reece, "Thanks baby, I love you!" as I run into the nursery and into my office. I open the door and sit down in my chair, finally letting out a breath. I look up to see Autumn staring at me, but I ignore it, trying to get my panting under control, I do not run normally. Once it's steady, I look back up to Autumn and smile, "Morning Autumn." I say in a chirpy voice, setting down Reece's jumper next to me on the desk and logging in to my computer. "You're late." she replies bluntly, glaring at me. "Yeah, woke up late." I say, smiling at her and then logging into my email.

The rest of the morning goes pretty smoothly, only a couple parents complaining and not many emails through. I'm sat there just staring at the door, when a wave of coldness washes over me. I shiver and catch Autumn's eyes on me. "Are you alright Marjorie?" Autumn asks me, staring at me. "Yeah of course, why?" I ask back, completely oblivious to the fact she just watched all of that. "Well you shivered, it isn't cold in here." she responds and I realise what she meant. "Oh yeah well i just feel a bit cold that's all." I respond turning back to my computer and pretending to type, just to get Autumn's eyes off me.

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