2 very different days

336 9 15

(Reece's pov)

I'm sat on the sofa, watching the tv. I turn my head as the door opens, and I watch my beautiful wife walk through the door. She takes her shoes off and places her bag down on the side.
"Hey baby, how was work?" I question as I stand up, making my way to her, her back still to me. "Baby?"
She turns around and her eyes are red, and puffy, as if she has been crying.
"Marjorie what's up?" I question, as she just falls into me, letting out a heart wrenching sob.
"I'm here, it's okay. You're okay, you're at home, you're safe." I reassure her, as I walk us to the sofa and sit down, pulling her into my lap.

We just sit there for a few minutes, letting her cry it out, and now her sobs are slowly becoming sniffles, as her tears stop falling. I place a kiss on the top of her head, "Baby?" I whisper and she leans back, just enough to see me.
"Sorry Reece" she gets out, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. I rub her wet cheeks, placing a kiss on each one.
"Gorgeous, you have nothing to be sorry about. I will always be here for you. If you're up to talking about it, I'm here to listen to you." I say, smiling at her.
"I don't know what it was, I think I just had an overwhelming day. I think it all got a bit too much, and it all caught up to me. Thank you though my love. For being here for me." She says, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into another hug, snuggling her head into my neck.


It is now 9pm, Marj came home from work at 6pm. We have been sat on the sofa for hours, whilst she has slept on me, she needs it.

She now starts to stir, then sits up, staring straight at me. "Huh?" she questions, her eyes darting up and down my face.
"What's up baby?" I question and she shakes her head. "No?" I question again, and she continues to shake her head. I place my hands on either side of her head, keeping it still, and facing me.
"Care to explain?" I ask..
"Explain what?" she questions back, looking genuinely confused.
"Have you finally woken up fully?" I ask smiling, she nods back, smiling back and leaning in, giving me a gentle kiss on my lips.
"Well, would you like some dinner?"
"Yes baby. Please, I'm starving, I've not eaten since maybe breakfast. Let's go!" she says, squealing with excitement and grabbing my hands, jumping off my lap and pulling me with her into the kitchen.

For a turn, she is running around the kitchen, searching for ingredients. She grabbed her favourites, pasta, and ingredients for a tomato sauce.
She runs up to me, shoving the ingredients in my hands, and running to grabs the pans out the cupboard. She places them all on the stove, and runs over to me, grabbing the ingredients out of my hands and runs over to the stove, placing them on the side next to it.
"You cooking then?" I laugh, and she turns around, frowning at me.
"That's mean." she says, folding her arms and pouting. "We both know I can't cook."
"I know baby, I'll cook, mind out the way." I say, placing a kiss on her lips, grabbing her waist and gently moving her to the side.

She is sat on the side, watching me cook, occasionally taste testing the sauce.
"Okay one last thing." I say, mixing the pasta and sauce together. "Right, done." I say, stepping back and crossing my arms, admiring the food.
"Thanks baby." she says, hopping off the counter and walking to me, wrapping her hands around my neck, and kissing me.
I kiss back, moving my hands around her waist and pulling her into me.
"Let's get food first, mister." she says, disconnecting from my lips.
She walks over to the cupboard, grabbing two bowls out, walking back o the pasta and dishing us up.
She walks over to the dining table, placing the bowls down and turning to me, smiling.
"You coming darling?" she says softly, turning around and sitting down, whilst I follow, sitting down and tucking into the pasta.

Once we finish, I  grab our bowls, walking over to the sink, and placing them in, then feeling a head pressed into my back, whilst hands snake around my waist.
"Hi baby."
"Reece." she says, and I turn around, and she snuggles into my chest.
"Shall we get you to bed then gorgeous?" I question, and she just nods into me, so I pick her up, and she adjusts her arms around my shoulders, whilst her legs wrap around my waist, and her head resting in the corner of  my neck.
"Let's get you up quickly then."

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