The Life Of A Pixie

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A/N: This is our first story on Wattpad, please don't hesitate to tell us what you think. :)

We haven't made it very long, but that's just because its the prologue. Our chapters will be longer!

Copyright (c) 2013 by Alexa_and_Rose.

All rights are reserved.

This book or any portion of it may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the author.

~ Prologue ~

Most humans imagine pixies to be pointy eared, winged, mythical creatures.

Well firstly we don't have pointy ears, we don't have wings, and labelling us as creatures is rather insulting. We are just like human beings, but with improved senses and powers.

Oh and we're not a myth.


I walk along the beach going just far enough into the water to let it cascade over my feet. It's dusk and the beach is almost deserted except for a few boys who are packing up their surfing gear and getting ready to go home.

As I sit down on a white patch of sand and look out into the ocean I see another boy paddling in from far out on a surfboard. I watch him for a while, enjoying the sound of the waves falling. So peaceful, so quiet.

The smell of salt water, the cool breeze whipping my waist length, dark brown hair around my face ever so lightly.

As my gaze takes in the horizon and the calming, clear blue waves my eyes then train on the boy once again who is still paddling in. I see a large wave come in and watch as the boy gets dunked. I wait for his head to resurface.

When the boys head doesn't come up after a good minute I scan the beach, trying to see if I'd missed him. There’s no sign of him. I wait for another minute and realise with a sinking feeling the boy is not going to remerge.

I search the beach once more frantically and again come up empty.

Without thinking I jump up and run into the water not bothering to take off my white sundress and dive into the cold water. With my heightened speed it doesn't take me long to swim out to around where he had been.

The sight of blood is what I see first. His white surfboard resting atop the water, the boy nowhere to be found.

My heart starts to beat, adrenaline and fear for the boys safety pumps through my veins.

I cringe as my dress begins to stain from the blood stain crimson water. The boy must have been bitten by a shark.

I dive under trying to feel for the boy.

My hands hit the sand of the bottom and I feel around. My hand grasps a lifeless hand and I drag the boy up.

I push him onto his surfboard using all my strength.

I look down at his body. His leg has been almost fully torn off, little skin remains and I can see the bone sticking out.

A gag makes its way up to my throat. The ghastly sight makes me feel sick to the stomach.

I glance at his face. The first thing I notice is how attractive he is with his curly brown hair, tanned skin and full lips. I also notice how lifeless his face looks.

He's going to die I think. Irrational tears spring to my eyes.

I press two fingers to his neck. His pulse is racing, at least he is still alive I think, trying to calm myself.

I immediately start to kick with every bit of my strength to shore, while resting my hand on the boys chest and one on the surfboard to make sure he doesn't fall off.

My heart is drumming faster now. Where is the shark?

Though if I were to be attacked by a shark, I would easily be able to overpower it. All I would need to do is conjure up a spell and the shark would be gone instantly, but I can't help but feel edgy.

That's when I see the fin. I automatically fire a blast of water the shark and it races off, its fin slicing through the water.

Once we make it to shore I drag the surfboard to where the water stops and turn to face the boy. I look down at him once again. I can’t leave him here to die, even though it is what I should do. I should never have gone out there to rescue him in the first place I think with dismay. But once again I make the wrong choice and place both hands above him and unintelligible words flow from my lips that no human could ever understand.

Energy drains out of me, but I hold on.

I don't look for fear of being physically sick, but I know what it would look like. The boys calf which was almost fully torn off a moment ago would have reconnected with his shin. Instead I look at his sculpted face, I watch as his cheeks start to colour and he splutters, turning his face to the side to cough out saltwater.

Then his eyes turn to meet mine. Piercing, royal blue

Oh no. I had to get out of here fast before he started asking questions. I've just broken one of my kinds law. I've used magic on a human to heal him. What was I thinking? I scold myself mentally.

"What happened?" He asks croakily.

Here comes the questions.

"Uhh I was just sitting on the beach and I saw you surfing, and then you went under and didn't come up for ages so I swam out to see if you were alright and brought you back to shore." I say in one big sentence, puffing slightly. I need to get out of here. What am I doing?!

He smirks slightly at me, probably not catching one word I said.

"Why is there blood all over my leg?" He says looking down at his body confused. Of course he's confused, there's blood everywhere and not a mark on him. If it was me in his position, I'd probably be in full panic mode.

"Why don't I have any wounds?" He asks me, confusion and suspicion etched over his face.

"Uhh who knows? Anyway I have to go." I get up to leave. What a lousy explanation, I feel bad for the boy. Suddenly his hand flies out to grab mine.

"Wait, what's your name?"

"Lisa." I lie, Lisa being the first name to pop into my head.

"Lisa," he smiles. "Thank you for saving my life."

I nod my head, smiling at him.

I pull my hand out of his grasp and he looks at me still confused. He shakes his head.

"I don't get it, why don't I have any wounds?" He asks again.

I sign. How was I supposed to explain all this?

"I don't know."

The boy frowns, staring up at me. "I felt it, like my leg was being torn off. That's all I remember."

"You were underwater for a while, you’re delirious." I say, trying to convince him.

He looks at me, it almost feels like he is staring into my soul.

"You’re lying."

"Look, believe what you want to believe. I've got to be getting back now. I suggest you go home and rest up, you must have hit your head pretty hard." I say, feeling guilty about my lie. I stand up and start the trek home. I look behind to see the boy following me.

Frustration courses through me. I feel so faint, so sick, the spell had taken all my energy out of me.

"Lisa, wait!" I hear the boy shout from behind me.

Soon he has caught up to me.

I turn to look at him. "What do you want?" I ask, annoyance lacing my tone.

My eyesight suddenly starts to fade and then turns to black, as I feel myself lose balance and fall to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2013 ⏰

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