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Damion's POV;
"Momma" I called from the living room of our house. "Yes Damion" she said wiping her hands with a towel and tossing the towel on her shoulder. "Can I go to Grandpa Andy's" I asked giving her puppy dog eyes. She smiled and nodded. "Yay" I squealed and ran to get ready. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, an All Time Low tee, and blue converse. After fixing my sorta long hair and putting on some guyliner I walked out of my room and into the kitchen where Daddy was. "Hey daddy" I greeted hugging him. "Hey buddy. Where are you going?" He asked as momma walked in with the keys in her hand. "Grandpa Andy's and Grandma Juliet's" I replied happily. "Ok well have fun and say hello to them for me" he said kissing my head then Momma on the lips. Momma smiled and we left. "Momma can I listen to Hollywood Undead" I asked as we got into the car. She smiled and turned on my favorite song by them, lion. I tried my best to sing along but soon ran out of breath. "You're getting better " momma complimented. I muttered a quiet 'thanks' before we pulled up into Grandpa Andy's driveway. We got out and momma knocked on the door. "Blade! It's so good to see you and Damion. You're getting so big!" Grandpa Andy said hugging momma and I. "I missed you dad." momma said as a tear slipped from her eye. "I missed you too baby girl. " he replied kissing her head. "Hey Grandpa Andy" I said hugging his leg. "Hey bud." he replied smiling down at me and patting my back.
{Blade' POV:
I missed being in this old house. I miss everything about my younger days at the BVB house. Those where some of the best years of my life. "Blade. Sweetie are you ok?" Mom asked sitting next to me. "Yeah mom just thinking about the old days. I miss them. Time passes too fast" I said staring at Damion playing with Crow on the floor. "Yeah. But you have many great times ahead of you. You married your teenage sweetheart, you grew up with your idols, you have a beautiful son. You have such a great life Blade. You've had your bad times but everyone has those." By the time she finished Damion went to the music room with Uncle ash and I was crying. "You always know what to say mom." I said hugging her. "I know" she said smirking. "I love you Blade" "I love you too mom" I said and got up going to the music room. Hmm no one's in here. I walked over to the mic stand and adjusted it to my height. I turned on the mic and turned the soundproof for the room on. "I am a lion and I want to be free
Do you see a lion when you look inside of me
Outside your window just to watch you as you sleep
Cause I am a lion and you are dead" I sang softly. I continued the song closing my eyes tightly as the emotions of the song passed through me as I sang. When I finished I opened my eyes to see my husband, son, father, Uncle Johnny3 and Uncle Danny. I walked over and hugged my uncles with tears going down my face. "Blade that was beautiful" they said pulling away. "Thank you. I missed you guys so much." I said hugging them again. They hugged back and pulled away. "We missed you too Blade." they said in unison. "You still got it Blade" dad said smiling. I just shrugged and smiled. We all talked for hours, laughing, sometimes crying,and having a great time. It feels like I'm 15 again. Suddenly flashbacks erupt and I'm surrounded by them. So many memories. One memory stood out though. The one where me and Skyler broke up. I remember that day. I cried so hard but when we got back together we had small argument but they always ended with us apologizing and kissing. These past years have been the happiest of my entire life. My little boy is growing up though. Time is flying by too fast.

Heart of Fire ( Sequel to Adopted By Andy Biersack) {Damion's story}Where stories live. Discover now