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Blade's POV:

**the day before**

"Dad I need you to come over tomorrow and talk to Damion. He woke talk or eat and I don't know what to do. He won't even write down what's wrong. Skyler tired to talk to him but nothing worked. I'm really worried." I said with tears in my eyes. "Blade. Calm down. It's going to be ok. I'll be over there tomorrow. Ok? I love you baby girl." "Thanks dad. I love you more." I said hanging up. "Skyler. What do you think is wrong with him?" I asked my husband. "I don't really know baby. I'm sure Andy will know and if Damion doesn't tell Andy then we can try to get dad to help him." he said. I pulled out my phone and called Ronnie. "Hello?" "Hey dad. How are you?" "I'm ok how about y'all? How's little Damion?" "He's doing ok. For some reason he won't talk or eat but Dad is suppose to talk to him. If that doesn't work then we'll have to pull out the big guns and get you" I said smiling slightly . "Ah man. Well hopefully Andy can get through to him. If not I'll try my hardest to. Tell him Grandpa Ronnie said hey and he loves him." "Will do dad" Skyler replied. " Ok well I love you guys." "love you too" we said hanging up. I hugged Skyler tightly and cried quietly. "I can't stand to know our baby boy is in so much pain. I don't want him to feel like we did. It's bad enough that he doesn't have friends." I said looking up into Skyler's beautiful dark brown eyes. "Blade. Baby it's going to be ok. We won't let him feel like we did" Skyler whispered while wiping my tears. He kissed me gently and I relaxed. "I love you Blade" he said hugging me. "I love you more Skyler" "nuh-uh" "yeah-huh" "no" "yes" Skyler just smiled and kissed me again.

***{Skyler's POV}***

I looked at my wife and admired her beauty. Her beautiful curly brunette hair stopped at her shoulders since she didn't want to straighten it and she was wearing a little bit of eye liner and mascara but that was it. We have changed so much. Our scars from our past are long gone from our skin but still marks our hearts.
***Present time****
I feel a tug on my shirt. I look down and see my son. I can see the hurt in his eyes but like me and Blade, he doesn't want to tell anyone what's wrong. He wants to keep others happy and let himself get the damage. I kneel in front of him. "What's wrong bud?" I ask putting a hand on his shoulder. Tears fill his eyes as he hugs me and quietly cry in shoulder. I rub his back and whisper soothing words to him. "Damion I can't take the pain away if you don't let me in" I said softly. He pulls back and looks me in the eye. He tries to speak but it didn't work. He opened his mouth and tried once more.....nothing. Fuck.

Heart of Fire ( Sequel to Adopted By Andy Biersack) {Damion's story}Where stories live. Discover now