Water works

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Juvias POV

I ran down the hall as i try to escape the coming soldiers, their foot steps were faint but i could hear them getting closer

I turn the corner to my fathers room and run as fast as i can to the handle 'Juvia must save Gray-sama!' i thought to myself as i yanked the door open

In the room ahead of me was anything but a friendly sight.... there lay my father his skin pale and eyes darked...

"There she is hurry up before she gets help!" the enemies behind me shout as they quickly approach the room

'Crap!' i thought as i slammed the door shut and lock it

I then turn back to my dad as tears begin to form from my eyes, 'how could this have happened?! he had the best doctors and he wasnt that injured..'

My thoughts a quickly halted as i hear the bagging on the door behind me! "Open up pretty little princess and this wont be as painful!" one said in a creepy voice

I fall to my knees at my fathers bedside crying as i lose hope, i grab my fathers cold hands knowing this may be the last time i see him

But as i hold his hands i feel something touch my palm... i pull my hand away as i see now resting in my palm my fathers stone attached to a ring small enough to fit on my finger

I quickly put it on as tears continuously stream down my face "thank you father" i say barely over a whisper and turn to face the door

"Ok men one more time push!!!" the door crashes down as they all run in swords pointed at me "oh so your old man kicked the bucket finally he held the poison back for awhile." one said and the rest began to laugh

My anger flared and i rose my hand up "Begone idiots you have attacked this country and are hurting and killings the ones Juvia loves!" i shouted

They all take a timid step back and one says trying to keep his cool, "So whatcha going to do about it?"

"This." i said with a eerie calm to my voice as the power of the ring launched forward into a water blast

Grays POV

I shook my head as i slowly came to... there were voices around me speaking but the pain on the back of my head was distracting me

All around me was blurry as i slowly remembered what just happened with someone impersonating my master

Anger flared through me but i couldn't move my eyes veered down and i noticed the ropes tied around me and the lacking presence of my gauntlet right now i was useless

I kept struggling but to no avail

"Hey look he's awake" some men chuckled and walked over to me "welcome back ya idiot you fell for the bosses trap am all we had to do was use one stinking gem to change my appearance and you blew it haha" they all burst out into laughed as he kicked my gut

"Sucks for you" he chuckles and pokes my cheek

"Jackass!" i yelled as i bite his finger

"OW!! YOU CRAP!" he kicks my face and i slump back down "YOU'LL PAY FOR TH-"

He is interrupted by the sudden explosion of water coming from all the windows and hallways of the castle

"What the F-" he starts to say until a shadowy figure flys out of the water and kicks him in the head knocking him out

"What the!?" i yell, "Whos there?! Lord Loxar is that you?"

The figure turns and walks towards me and i can start to tell it was him the figure had to many curves and longer hair i then realized it could only be...

"Hello Gray-sama!" Juvia says as she crouches down by me smiling


Hey guys after vacation i had finally decided to go on wattpad and i saw i had lots of notifications for my story such as comments from people laughing enjoying it and giving good feed back plus asking a long deserved update

Not to mention everyone adding my story to their libraries and liking it never thought i could get this far so thanks guys and gals of all ages i appreciate it

I dont know how long till next update so stay tuned and live long and prosper

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