The meeting

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Narrators POV

its been 4 days since the attack phantom lords won thanks to Gray and Juvia

All enemy soldiers ran when their all powerful strong manly leader named Jessie was defeated (yeah his parents wanted a daughter)

Grays execution had been cancelled for his brave deeds to the kingdom and he had proven himself loyal

Sadly though the king lay ill in bed because of the thingy he was shot with in the previous chapter (oh no how sad he was "everyone's FAVORITE character")

So now until her father gets better Princess Juvia is in charge of the kingdom

Grays POV

I was waiting outside the princess room waiting for her to finish whatever she was doing

I could hear her singing and humming but could never make out the words probably doesn't matter

"Oi my lady are you done in there the meeting you need to go to is fairly important so we need to go soon"

"Juvia will be ready in a minute" she said

I sighed and leaned against the wall

I cant believe i have to attend this thing but i of course need to protect her incase something else happens

The door opens and Juvia walks out in formal princess wear

She had a on a blue poofy dress and her hair was like it looks in the tournament from the anime

"Lets go Gray-sama!"

She started walking and i followed

"Juvia has almost forgotten to thank you Gray-sama for saving Juvia, Papa, and the kingdom a couple days ago"

"Its ok its a soldiers job"

"You deserve a reward!"

"No its fine princess"

"But i insist"

"Fine" i can go against a princess and she seemed determined

"We can speak about it after the meeting" she said

"Yes my lady"

Time Skip

Juvias POV

After all that walking me and Gray-sama finally arrive at the meeting room

We open the door and hear the last few seconds of conversations being had

"Ah Princess Juvia welcome!" one of the lords said standing up bowing so i bowed back i think that was lord Jura of Lamia scale

"Anyways now that we're all here we can begin" Lord Ichiya said

"Agreed i want this to go quickly!" said the new mistress Kagura

"Yeah yeah Kagura quiet we all know you just want to date my second in command after this meeting!" said the also new lord Sting

A few laughs sounded and i took my seat and Gray-sama stood next to me

"Anyways now to the matter at hand!" said Jura, "These darker kingdoms that have been raiding our kingdoms have been getting worse!"

"What do you suppose we do about it?" Ichiya asked

"Head on assault!" Kagura yelled and Sting and his second in command Rouge nodded in agreement

"That wouldn't be smart..." i say "They have to many soldiers to fight head on and we're safer in our own walls"

"Juvia is right but it only a matter of time before they break those walls down" Jura said

"How about we unite some kingdoms?" Sting suggested

"Good idea Sting your parfum is smarter then most!" Ichiya said

"Yes that is smart but the only way to do that is the marriage of a lord, mistress, princess, or prince to another kingdom." Jura said

"Well then my kingdom will be willing to unite with Sabertooth" Kagura said looking at Rogue

"Blue Pegasus hasn't been attacked yet and our numbers our strong so we'll be fine" Ichiya said

"What about Juvias kingdom phantom lord how will we unite we are weaker after that last attack?" i said

"You can unite with us" Jura said

"How would that work?" Gray-sama asked

"Our prince Lyon is willing to marry and we can have him marry you Juvia" Jura said

"WHAT!?!?" me and Gray-sama said

"I shall speak to your father about it if all goes well you will be meeting him soon!" Jura cheerfully said

I wanted to say something but i knew i had no choice in this

I look at Gray-sama and he seemed a bit angrier then earlier....

Was he....

No he can't be....

But what if he is....

Is Gray-sama jealous?


Hello readers hope you liked that chapter except for the gruvia shippers at the end there

If you aren't happy please keep your riot quiet so i can keep writing thank you

Anyways im going to be adding in more comedy with this stuff so dont hate me just yet

Oh yeah and for that one person who was commenting about how funny the last chapter was with the idiot soldiers thank you

Helped me write this chapter well anyways I'll update soon so keep on reading

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