Chapter 5: Call me Rich

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I arrived at the technician's mansion after "arranging" some protection. I had no idea how he would react to the brutal assault on his dear Bertie, so I had to keep myself safe. And if that meant killing the most powerful criminal in England then that was what I was going to do. As I entered his cosy little office, I could feel the 9mm Beretta digging against my skin. It was almost as it wanted to be used, and wouldn't stop bothering me until someone was shot. But I had some self control, and sat down before the technician. 'Sorry I'm a little bit late' I apologized. 'There was a slight mishap on the way out of the pub...'

The technician raised a questionable eyebrow as he popped a cigar into his mouth. 'What sort of mishap? And where the hell is Bertie...?'

I took in a deep breath. 'Nick died, but Bertie was hit by a car as we left. It was a sedan filled with loads of these tough looking blokes. They only just missed me...'

I was expecting at any second to be caught out, and fired at by the mastermind. But he kept his cool, and simply lighted his cigar before replying. 'Is he dead?'

That was one question that I could not answer truthfully. Bertie could've died before an ambulance turned up at the scene, or he was busy recovering in hospital. But the wounds to his head would definitely affect his memory. 'I think it's most likely' I sighed.

There was a long, awkward and unnerving pause. The technician sat back in his chair, and blew a ring of smoke from his lips. He was obviously deep in thought, and it was best not to disturb him. I still considered pulling the pistol on him, since I didn't want nor need to continue my job. That day I'd realised something significant about myself. I knew that I was a killer, but a killer with a morale. That was uncommon in the criminal world, from what I'd worked out, so I'd have to consider either banishing my ethical beliefs or finding some way to put my talents to use.

'We can't live in the past for too long' the technician smiled. 'That's how guys like us end up dead... like Bertie, for example...'

Guys like us, I thought with dread. He'd already accepted me as one of his men, so I had no idea of how there was any chance of escaping the job. I just smiled in acknowledgement. 'So what shall I do now?'

The technician fumbled about in his desk drawers, before eventually retrieving a set of keys. He threw them into my hands, and giving a slow nod. 'You can have Bertie's room, which is the second door across on the top floor. It'll be your new accomodation for the meantime, until you make enough money to buy your own place. The keys open the safe in the room, which you can collect your pay from whenever you've had a job. Bertie's cash'll be in there... so help yourself...'

I was outright shocked. He was treating me almost like a son. I had no idea his men were allowed to stay in the mansion, although it did make perfect sense. He had to keep guarded at all times in case the police were on to him, so I'd just be another member of the protection squad. As stood up to go, I realised something that he'd promised me before the job. 'What's your actual name?'

The technician laughed, holding his arms out wide. 'Call me Rich... Little Rich...'

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