Chapter 8: An Unexpected Target

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As I had nothing to do at the time, I visited Little Rich's office. He was sat looking rather lonely behind his desk, with two muscular bodyguards by his side. I didn't bother sitting down, as it was just a quick visit to check up on things. He looked up at me with a smile. 'Angus, I'm glad you popped by... I just received word that Bertie's recovering in hospital...'

Busted, I thought with dread. I was going to die, there was no doubt about it. Bertie would've phoned the office, and told Little Rich exactly what had happened. My body would be discarded in a nearby lake, and nobody would even remember my existence. But I had to know for sure. 'Really...?'

'Yes' Little Rich confirmed. 'Now I want you to kill him'

'What?' I gasped.

It was the most unexpected of scenarios, but luckily one of the most fortunate for me. Little Rich clasped his hands together tightly. 'He was speaking mainly gibberish, but I think he might rat me out to the police. There's only a slight risk, but that's enough for me to order his immediate extermination. So are you going to do it, or should I ask someone else?'

Without even thinking about the consequences, I nodded enthusiastically. 'Whatever you want, Little Rich... Will I get paid?'

'There's my boy!' Little Rich beamed. 'And yes, a large cash settlement will be put into place immediately. Are you properly equipped for the job?'

I flashed my new desert eagle, and nodded with a smug grin. 'Where shall I take him out?'

'I told him to wait just outside the hospital until someone comes to pick him up. He's not meant to be leaving today, but he reckons he'll be alright. Do you want to bring someone along? It'll make the job much easier if you let someone else drive... do you know anyone here?'

'I'll call Hunter' I exclaimed, before getting to my feet. 'Is there anything else I need to know?'

'Not really, but you can use the trashed ford saloon out front' Rich offered thoughtfully. 'It wouldn't be a tragic loss if it were to... disappear, if you catch my drift.'

As I confidently left the office, I dug out the old Nokia from my pocket. I pressed the button for the phonebook, and scrolled down with the titchy keypad. It was frustrating to use, but at least it would last me a while. I couldn't afford to take an expensive, fragile mobile just in case by chance I had to leave it at the scene of a murder. I found Hunter in the contacts, pressed ring, and held the phone up to my ear.

'Hello...?' Hunter answered after just two rings.

'Hunter, it's Angus mate' I spoke casually. 'Where are you now?'

'Oh, I'm just keeping an eye on things outside. Why do you ask?'

'It turns out that Bertie's alive, and he might be thinking of ratting us all out. Whether that's completely true or not I don't know, but do you reckon you could help me take care of him?'

'Sure thing... that boy's going to wish he never joined the family...'

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