Chapter 15: Tony Blackhurst

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It was an hour later. I'd collected everything I would need in order to successfully take down Tony Blackhurst, and I was sat inside Mick's Burger House. It was a standard eating establishment, with basic dining tables and a small counter. A sweaty looking late teen occupied the cash register, hovering around nervously as if he wanted to just get out. The thought crossed my mind that maybe he was expecting a certain trouble maker to arrive.

'When's my shift over, Gav?' the worker called to the kitchen.

'You've only been here five minutes!' came the deep and manly reply. 'Get busy'

To avoid looking suspicious, I pulled the Nokia from my pocket. A small textbox had appeared on the screen saying 1 new message received. I clicked it open, and watched as the message took a long five seconds to appear:



I chuckled with amusement as I put my phone away, and picked up a newspaper which had been left on the circular table in front of me. At first it was just going to be for cover, but it had been a while since I'd actually had a read through the paper. Flickering on to the fourth page, a headline caught my eye:


On Thursday 12th June, serving police officer Jeff Williams was found near the dead body of well known crime lord, Little Rich. The police department were confused by this sudden incident, as the victim was in fact the man that Jeff had been assigned to arrest. He'd worked undercover for two years as one of his hit men, though had not actually killed anyone up until this day. The body was found by a wrecked Ford saloon on Farnmouth beach, with the head covered in a plastic carrier bag. It is thought that multiple injuries were found on the knee caps of Little Rich (Whose real name we do not know), after a somewhat brutal beating by Jeff himself. This is all we know on the event so far, but if anyone was a witness that day then the Farnmouth PD would be more than grateful if you gave a statement. 

I just sat there... utterly speechless. Little Rich had been beaten pretty badly, but the injuries I'd witnessed happen had only been minor. Did that mean that Hunter had continued to bruise him after I'd been shot? So many questions floated through my mind, but nobody could give me any answers. I just hoped that working for Nick could at least keep me out of the 'crime' business.

'Oh crap, he's coming!' the worker rasped, staggering backwards with sweat trickling down his cheeks.

The door swung open, and in entered the most intimidating individual I'd ever had the misfortune to lay eyes on. Tony Blackhurst looked just about as mean as they came, with the classic biker jacket and leather jeans to compliment his rough physical appearance. Since the mug shot had been taken a substantial amount of grey stubble had formed all over his face, and a new scar was resting below his left eye. He stormed towards the counter, followed by three other bikers.

'Alright mate?' he snarled patronisingly at the worker. 'Would you mind getting me and the lads a burger meal each?'

The sweaty youth quivered with fear, but managed to force a nod. 'Would you like anything else...?' he gulped.

Tony just glared into his eyes, almost brain washing him with the fear on his side. 'Just... do it'

As the worker disappeared, I watched Tony's thugs sit down at a table across the room. They paid no attention to me at first, and broke into manly conversation about what sounded like motorcycle brands. All this time I was still trying to calculate a clean and easy execution which would appeal to Nick Walker.

'I hope my Kawasaki doesn't get nicked by them kids outside' one of the bikers snarled, clearly unaware of my presence. 'It took me ages to get that damn girl, at I don't plan on losing it'

That's when my mind started to work. They obviously had arrived on bikes, and the fact that they were worried about them being stolen indicated low security. If any kids were outside, maybe there was a chance they'd go for it with a bit of... encouragement. I had my plan ready to go. Placing down the newspaper, I slowly got up from my seat, and walked out of the takeaway shop. 

'Whoa... looks like a nice piece of kit' a hooded teenager smiled, admiring a red Kawasaki Ninja motorbike.

Beside it were three other motorbikes, but these were old school Harley Davidsons. They definitely belonged to the bikers. I was fortunate to see so many youngsters crowding the bikes, meaning more muscle for the job. I walked over to the kid that was admiring the Kawasaki. 'You like it...?'

He spun round in shock, and stumbled back nervously. He was fearful of me the moment he saw my bandaged head, and assumed I belonged to the biker gang. I shook my head. 'It's not mine, don't worry kid. But if you want it, you might as well just nick it...'

'I don't know' the kid sighed, judging the probability of him escaping untouched. 'I suppose...'

'Look' I interrupted urgently. 'I'll distract the bikers, and you lot can take them for yourselves. Do you know how to hotwire 'em?'

They all nodded proudly, and pulled a variety of tools from their pockets. I gestured for them to get moving, and felt a great deal of importance as they all got to work. It made me feel powerful. A feeling that I was rare in my pitiful life.I turned back, and hurried into the Burger House with my heart racing wildly. Despite the clear vision of outside through the large window, the bikers had yet to notice what was going down.

'Can't you hurry up with that?' Tony yelled, waving a closed fist at the chefs. 'If it's not here in the next twenty seconds, I'm coming back there my bloody self!'

Just perfect, I thought with pleasure. Now things could be put into place so Tony suffered a very slow and painful death without anybody there to save him. I confidently strode past the restless biker, and walked round the counter as if I had a legitimate reason to. A wise man had once told me that "If you do something with enough confidence, you will go without a hitch".

'That's it Gav, I'm leaving' the cashier grunted, throwing a towel to the dirty kitchen floor.

He stormed out of a back door, leaving Gav the chef alone in the shop. Gav swore under his breath, and followed his friend out. Alone at last, I thought with relief. I entered the musty kitchen only to receive a waff of pure fat burning. My stomach churned sickeningly. And yet I could handle killing a man with my bare hands... weird...

'What's going on?' Tony screamed.

I stopped dead as I realised the question must have been directed at me. I turned around with full confidence in my voice, and pointed to the back door. 'That's what I want to know! The bastards have just left out there!'

I wasn't sure if the act would work, but clearly the battle hardened biker wasn't very bright. He accepted what I said with a 'fair enough' attitude, and walked straight passed me towards the open back door. When his foot touched the edge, I turned back round to face the shop window. Trying to look as genuine as possible, I rasped with shock. 'Oh god!'

The bikers spun round, and instantly saw the kids stealing their bikes. They quickly sprinted out of the front door, and went for them with pure rage pulsing through their veins. 'You little bastards!'

I turned back, and ran for the back door. As I passed the stove, I grasped hold of the steaming hot frying pan with my numb left hand. Stepping towards the door... my fear was smothered by adrenaline...

'What are you playing at?' Tony screamed, bundling Gav into the back wall. 'I asked for a burger ages ago!'

'Please, get off' Gav pleaded. 'It's Will's fault, not mine...'

'I don't care what Will did! You're here, so you're the problem' Tony roared, thundering the poor chef with powerful punches to the temple. 'How long before you learn your bloody less-'


Gav shivered with fear and confusion as Tony suddenly collapsed to the concrete ground. I was stood behind the dead man's body, holding the burning frying pan like a tennis racket. The blow had been directly to the cranium, sending both boiling fat and strong metal into his skull. He lay there... totally silent.... utterly still... craving life... lacking will...

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