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Derp walked through the school doors and stormed into the cafeteria' he was holding the bag that poopy door was in, it was shacking violently. He kicked open the doors to the cafeteria, "SEE THIS!?" He yelled holding up the bag. Every one was silent and was staring at him intensely. "IN HERE IS A LIVING POOP! IF U CATCH YOU PIMPLEHEADS LICKING EACH OTHERS FACES OR PEEING ON THE WALL UN THE BATHROOM, I WILL THROW HIM IN YOU!!!!!" He yelled. One guy started giggling "HES HOLDING A BAG OF HIS OWN SHIT!!!!" And everybody in the cafeteria started laughing at Derp, he got so angry he threw poopy door on everyone and quit his job forever.

The end 💩💩💩

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