Toilet lair

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When Derp opened his eyes all he could see was clean toilets. "This is Heaven!" Derp gasped. "Look at those urinals! And.. And.. Those sinks and those...... TOILETS! So AMAZING!!!!" "Do you like it here?" Number 2 says all of a sudden. "Oh ma gosh! It is Fantasic!" Derp says with a squeal "vhat am I doing heya?" "You are here to fight evil with your super toilet powers! Legend has it an Asian janitor every 70 years would inherit the superpowers for as long yee shall live!" Number 2 says as if he was old and wise, "why did you choose me I am hopeless I get $120.11 a week from my job!" Derp complains. "Yeah, but you are special trust me you will be a superhero! Now come on let's get you suited up." Number 2 explains. "Fine but if I look fat in my costume I will poo in you!!!" Derp says.

Hope you enjoy this one!!
No offence to Asian people

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