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TSUNARU: 7 years old.. he looks a lot like Tsuna... The guardians believed he is Tsuna's reincarnation

MIDORI: 7 years old... Gokudera and Akari's only daughter... she looks a lot like Lavina-san only with amethyst eyes like her mother

NAGISA : 7 years old... Kyoya and Freya's daughter... Mitsure is her babysitter and become her stepmother after Kyoya married her... Loves Mitsure like her mother because Freya always abuse her.. inherited Kyoya's black hair and squinty eyes.

MOMOCHI: 5 years old... Lambo and Ipin's son... inherited his mom's squinty eyes and Lambo's eyes and hair

RUI: 7 years old... Takeshi and Tomoyo's only son.. inherited his father's look and personality and his mother's crimson eyes and brown hair.

SHIKI: 7 years old.. Mukuro's and Chrome's son... Fraternal twin with Yuki.. the older brother... inherited his father sadistic nature... inherited his father's blue eyes and his mother's hair

YUKI: 7 years old... Mukuro's and Chrome's daughter... Fraternal twin with Shiki... inherited her mother's shy nature... Inherited his father's heterochromatic eyes and blue hairs

SORA: 7 years old... Ryohei and Hana's son.. inherited Ryohei's silver eyes and Hana's brown hair...


Six kids walked home after the school period finished. The brunette who named Tsunaru sighed in exhaustion. His other friends looked at him in confusion. A lot of questions played in their mind. Tsunaru seemed a bit off lately.

"What's wrong, Naru?" asked Nagisa when the boy sighed for a second time.

"Nothing. I'm just lonely because Onii-chan and Uncle wasn't there for me," said Tsunaru. As soon as they reached Sawada's house, Tsunaru waved them goodbye and entered the house.

The remaining kids thought how they could cheer Tsunaru up. It has been a month he seemed like that.

"Ah, why don't we make him something like cake or cookies? We all knew that Naru loves strawberry, aren't we? And next week is our friendship anniversary," said Yuki.

"Yuki! That was a brilliant idea," cheered Shiki, hugged his sister.

"Yosh! We begin our operation," said Rui fisted up followed by others.


"Waaahhh!!! We can't do it," wailed Midori sitting on the floor with her friends. The other kids who looked at Midori's tearful face started to cry out as well.

Akari, Tomoyo, and Mitsure instantly entered the kitchen when they heard their kids' cries. They shocked to see the once clean kitchen turned into a mess. The flour was everywhere, the milk spilled on the floor and egg shell splattered on the table.

"Mi-chan," asked Akari in worry when she saw her girl was the one bawling the most.

"Mama!" Midori quickly ran and hug her mother.

"Now, tell me. What's the problem?"

"We wanted to make a cake to cheer Naru up. He seemed down lately after Uncle Reborn returned to Italy,"

"Oh, I see that is the problem. Why don't you tell us earlier? We could help you," said Tomoyo.

"But we do it Kaa-san. It turned awful," sobbed Rui, wiped his tears.

"Let's see what you done wrong," said Mitsure looked at the batter which turned out watery just like milk. She looked down and saw Nagisa and Yuki looked up at her.

"See, you didn't do anything wrong. You just need more flour, my dear," said Mitsure lovingly.

Then, the mothers joined the kids perfecting the cake. As they brought it to Sawada's house, they were so happy to see Tsunaru enjoyed the taste of their homemade cake. Somehow they feel relieved to be able to lift Tsunaru's mood up.


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