Chapter Nine

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:: Holly's POV ::

I couldn't quite get over the series of events that unfolded last night as I stormed about my bedroom throwing every article of clothing I owned on the bed. My skin crawled at the thought of Kyle and what he had done to Sam and me. I had to get out of this house and I hoped to do it before he returned home.

I grabbed a couple suitcases from the hall closet and proceeded to stuff them full with the obsessive amounts of clothing I had accumulated over the years. I was going to be staying with Macy for a while, her roommate moved out a few months back and she had been looking for a replacement ever since. Neither one of us had ever imagined it to be me but I was beyond thankful that it was.

"What are you doing?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard the voice sound from behind me. I paused momentarily to catch the breath that had left my lungs in terror but resumed packing just as quickly. I left Kyle's question unanswered as I picked up my pace packing things even faster than I had been before. I wasn't interested in entertaining his excuses for what he had done.

"I asked you a question Holly." The tone of his voice turned demanding as he grabbed my arm, his grip sending a wave of pain up my arm.

"Let go of me." I snapped pulling my arm from his grasp with force, I refused to let him speak to me in such a condescending tone.

I felt relief as he exited the room and I tossed the last pile of fabric into a suitcase, zipping it as quickly as possible and slinging its strap over my shoulder. I had only hoped I'd be able to pull the remaining two that sat beside the bed with ease, the last thing I wanted was to have to come back into this house after I was already out the door.

I took one last look around the room to make sure I hadn't forgotten something I would need any time soon. I grabbed the handles of my suitcases and pulled them behind me, their wheels serving their purpose to the fullest.

My heart dropped when I got out the front door and saw Kyle standing in front of the stairs blocking my only escape from this hell. I should've known he wasn't going to make this easy. After everything I learned about him in the last 12 hours, he was more sinister than I really even knew. Than any of us really knew. He had quickly been black balled by the one group of friends he thought he fooled after all of this time. He went out of his way to paint Sam as the bad guy for all these years when in reality, he was still very much the guy we all knew and loved.

"Where are you going?" The anger in his voice scared me, I was naive to believe he would allow me to leave without a confrontation.

"We're over." I did my best to hide the fear I was feeling, I wasn't going to allow him to know that he was frightening me, "I'm moving in with Macy."

"This is about Hunt isn't it?" His lips turned up in an amused smile, "You are such a fool to believe what that washed up has been tells you."

"This isn't about Sam..." I shook my head and swallowed hard, fighting back the tears I felt coming on. I needed to stand my ground, "This is about you."

"About me?" He questioned my choice of words as he laughed dryly.

"Yeah." I nodded as I mustered up the courage to continue, "You spent years lying to me, lying to all of our friends. What I don't understand is why?"

"Is that what he told you?" His eyes widened and his amused smile only grew. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

"Sam always looked out for you. He was always there for you but you couldn't wait for him to leave. You couldn't wait to move in on his friends... to move in on me." I shocked myself at the sudden courage that had overtaken me, I think even Kyle was surprised to know I would stand up to him, "All you are is a coward."

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