Chapter Ten

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"Holly!" Macy called out to me from the living room, "Sam is here!"

"I'll be there in a minute!" I called back to her as I stood in the bathroom mirror curling the last few strands of my hair which had ended up being a last minute decision. I had been ready twenty minutes prior but new too much idle time was going to allow for my mind to run and I knew my nerves would kick in. God bless my curling iron.

Tonight was a big night for Sam and me, at least in my opinion. It was finally the first time we were going to be going on a date, just the two of us since I had made the decision to leave Kyle about three weeks ago. I'd be lying if I said Sam and I hadn't spent nearly every day together since, but it wasn't in an intimate setting and it had never really been just the two of us. Someone always seemed to tag along, whether it was Macy and Matt or whoever was down for hanging out. I looked forward to tonight, to having him completely to myself.

I walked by my full length mirror looking myself over and inspecting my outfit before I stepped out of the room. Sam had told me to keep it casual so I opted for my distressed denim cut offs, a flowing coral colored tank and pair of white flat sandals. The curls in my hair were loose and barely hanging on, they hardly stood a chance in this weather. I partly questioned myself for wasting the time to curl my hair but knew it was my way of keeping my mind occupied. I grabbed my purse off the bed before walking out of my room.

"Hey." I smiled as I rounded the corner and saw Sam sitting on the edge of couch talking with Matt and Macy. I was shocked to see him without a baseball hat, that seemed to be a rare occurrence but I wasn't going to complain.

"Hey babe." Sam stood up and stepped towards me, his lips landing on my forehead, "You look beautiful."

"Thanks." I felt my cheeks grow hot as his hand ran down my arm until it met mine, our fingers lacing together. I noted to myself how good he was able to make a simple pair of jeans and a white t-shirt look, "You look pretty handsome yourself now that your face isn't hiding beneath a baseball hat. "

"Thanks. I'm not gonna lie it feels a little weird." He laughed softly and it was impossible not to smile at him, he just had that way about him. You couldn't be around him and not be happy. His smile was contagious and it never seemed to leave his face, "You ready?"

"Yeah." I nodded, my eyes wandering over his face for a brief moment. It still amazed me that he had the ability to make me feel like I was still just a high school girl completely smitten by the star quarterback, "Bye guys."

"See ya'll later." Sam gave Macy and Matt a wave as he led me towards the door.

"See ya!" Matt waved, "Give me a call tomorrow man, we'll shoot some hoops or something."

"Sounds good." Sam nodded, turning to look back at Matt over his shoulder.

"Have fun tonight guys!" Macy called out to us; the smile on her face was absolutely ridiculous. I knew she would be waiting up all night to hear about how the date went no matter how much Matt would tell her to mind her own business; there are some things guys will never understand about females.

Sam led me to his truck and helped me to get in before he walked around and let himself in. He was always a gentleman from the time we were kids, date or not he opened my doors, pulled out my chair, stood to greet me when I entered a room; he had this way of making me feel special without even trying and I truly appreciated every chivalrous gesture.

"So... where we going?" I looked over at him as he drove down the road. My curiosity was getting the best of me and I was dying to know where he was taking me and how we were going to spend our first evening alone.

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