Chapter 7:

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Hidan was at home, watching a movie with Egna later on that night, feeling good about Sireena accepting his girlfriend. Well actually, the two were asleep at 1am and half freaking naked, but they hadn't had sex... It got hot in there, though. Hidan found himself being shaken awake by his mother. "HIDAN, IF YOU DONT WAKE THE HELL UP!" She yelled. Both Hidan and Ezmera woke up and looked at Scion. "Mom? What's wrong? Are you just getting home?" Hidan asked with a tired yawn. Scion narrowed her eyes at the female who was trying to dress herself ravegely in embarressment. "Oh... This is why Sireena's fucked-up?" Scion asked. Hidan glanced between his mom and Egna as he finally started waking up to the mention of his best friend. "What do you mean? What's wrong with Sireena?" Hidan asked quickly. Scion huffed. "Okay, so after work I decided to stop at the diner for a drink or two. When I got there, Sireena was piss DRUNK and dancing on the bar, screaming thy she wouldn't go home until you got there! Hidan, even Nikimo couldn't get her down! She's completely trashed! And I see why!" Scion exclaimed. Hidan shot up. "WHAT?! And you didn't think of getting her mom?! And why do you think it's my fault?! We talked earlier, we ate, I introduced her to Egna and she said shed go home when she was ready!" Hidan exclaimed, finding his pants. Scion smacked the back of his head. "OF COURSE I WENT AND GOT HER MOTHER! NOTHING WORKING! And she's trashed BECAUSE of Egna! How did you think she was going to react numb-nuts?! Sireena is your best friend and would never hurt you, so to keep from saying how she really felt about Egna, she got drunk! Did it not occur to you that maybe she cares even more than you've ever thought?! Or did you not even bother to offer to stay with her at the diner to talk?! Nikimo says she's been drinking since she got there at noon with you two!" Scion yelled as Hidan threw on his furry jacket and boots before grabbing Egna's hand. "Well I'm sorry for Sireena's irresponsibility!" Hidan exclaimed, rushing out the house with Egna. He took her home first and gave her a quick kiss before ninja hopping to the diner. When he got there, he was confused. Sireena was nowhere in sight and Nikimo was exhausted, sitting at the bar and rubbing her temples. It was quiet in the diner and nobody else seemed to be there.
Hidan ran up to Nikimo. "Where's Sireena?! I heard about what happened!" Hidan exclaimed. Nikimo smaked him. "SHUT UP! my freaking head hurts! And you're a little late now. Her friend came and calmed er down about half an hour ago. You're all she could talk about, you know." Nikimo groaned. Hidan huffed. "Well, where is she?! And what friend?! I'm Sireena's only friend!" Hidan exclaimed. "In the kitchen. He's with her. And I guess you've been replaced, because Sireena's warmed up to him real good..." Nikimo said, shaking her head at Hidan. Hidan ran to the back and saw Sireena laying face first on the kitchen top while the guy from the tattoo shop rubbed her back. "Excuse me, but who are you?" Hidan asked a bit rudely. The guy looked up and shook his head with a smirk. "I figured you wouldn't remember me if Sireena hadn't. It's Inagami from the academy. I'm Sireena's friend." he responded. Hidan nodded once and walked over to Sireena. She was still conscious, but highly intoxicated. "Fuck... How many drinks did she have?" Hidan mumbled. Inagami blinked and looked into her tired face. "She had two fishbowls... I'm suprised she's still awake." Inagami said. Sireena lifted her head and smiled at Hidan. "Hey! You came! I waited all night for you to come... And Nikimo kept saying you were coming... But I almost gave up on you. I missed hanging out..." Sireena slurred sadly as she giggled. Hidan pulled his brows together. "Im always gonna come, Sireena. No need to miss me, I won't go anywhere. We should get you home." Hidan said. Sireena groaned and hiccuped. "She asked for you since I got her off the bar. Nikimo says even before then. Luckilly, I live upstairs of the tatto shop and heard the noise..." Inagami said. Hidan nodded and picked Sireena up. She giggled and burped a bit. "I don't know what possessed her to get drunk, but thank you for watching her till I got here. I have it now, though. Your services are no longer needed." Hidan said before walking out of the diner to Inagami's laughter.
The whole way home, Sireena had sang show tunes and giggled about love and Hidan and how much she missed him. When he finally got to her house, he let her stand, since she had been hitting his chest the past mile to put her down. "Damn! Everyone wants to treat me like I'm still a fucking kid! I ain't no fucking kid! I can take care of my d- (hiccup)- damn self! I don't need anyone... Because people use me! Why does everyone wanna fucking use me all the damn time?! I'm not a bad person, am I?!" Sireena yelled drunkenly as Hidan unlocked her door. Her mother went on a mission to the hidden lotus village and her sister was being watched by a friend. Hidan led Sireena into her house and up to her bedroom. "Come on Sireena. Let's get you to bed." hidan tried to coax. Sireena smaked his hands away and stumbled herself up the stairs. "I can find my own goddamn home! Even you want to use me! Why does nobody care about me?! I haven't done anything wrong! Yo, seriously! I'm tired of being used! All these bitches think they be running shit up in here! What about Sireena?!" Sireena yelled as she crawled up her stairs. "Come on Sireena, nobody treats you like that." Hidan sighed. He was hoping whatever she was saying would be forgotten by morning. They'd both have a rough day if not. Sireena slipped and hidan quickly picked her up and held her at a wall at the top of the stairs. "You okay Ena-chan? You have to be careful." Hidan said. Sireena was glancing Hidan up and down as she started to come out of it... But was still completely confused. She wanted Hidan, and nothing else. Hidan had her pinned between a wall and his body, and Sireena was flipping inside her self conscious. "Hidan-sama..." she said quietly. He raised a brow. Sireena slowly leaned in and wet to kiss him, but Hidan backed away. "Sireena, you're drunk. If I were going to kiss you, i'd kiss you sober." Hidan said, taking her to her bedroom. Sireena groaned and snatched away from Hidan before plopping on her bed. "See?! Nobody cares! Everybody thinks I'm a fucking joke! That I'm nothing without you! But u got my own life! I don't need a fucking man to be happy!" Sireena exclaimed. Hidan was unlacing her boots and sighed as her flipped her over and went to remove her green top. "Fucking Nikimo always talkin bout how a man make life easier for women! I don't need a fucking man! It make life harder! I am independent, and I don't want nobody taking care of ne! I'm perfectly fine by myself!" Sireena exclaimed as Hidan got her shirt off and skirt. He started taking off her stretch pants when she at up and tried kissing Hidan again. "No, Sireena. You I've to stop that. It's not okay." Hidan said, pulling off the tights. Sireena huffed and laud back down. "Psh, I dint need this shit! I can take care of my fucking self. Man, fuck this shit! You don't even fucking want me! Ain't nobody ever wanted me till I started gettin my shit together! Man, it's like all of a sudden, people treating me like all these other hoes! I'm tired of being second best!" Sureena said as Hidan tucked her in bed and stood. "Look, Sireena. This... This isn't working out too well. I'll never figure out why you're drinking like this till you're sober... So I'll see you tomorrow." Hidan said. Sireena shot up and began crying as she grabbed Hidan and tried pulling him back over. "No! No, I didn't mean it! I can't loose you now! I fucking miss you, Hidan-sama! I'm sorry! Please don't leave! Don't leave, I'll go to sleep! I don't want you to go back to that bitch! I need you here! Please!" Sireena cried. Hidan sighed and hugged Sireena as she cried. "You mean Egna?" He asked. "That bitch wants to take you away from me! Please don't go! Just stay with me for the night! Please!" Sireena cried, Hidan sighed and laid with Sireena after kicking off his boots and putting his jacket on her. He knew shed probably smack the he'll out of him by morning, but they were still best friends. Hidan had to be there for her, even if she wasn't making sense. And hopefully, this didn't turn into an every night thing.
Of course, it did. After about 3 years, when Hidan and Sireena had turned 19, Sireena was an alcoholic. She drank till she damn near passed out at least twice a week, and whenever she wasn't drunk, she at least always has a drink on hand. She and Hidan were still friends, but the more time he spent with Egna, the less time he spent with Sireena, and the less time Sireena spent with Hidan, the more stressed she got and the more she drank. She was also getting extremely attracted to Inagami, who always seemed to be by her side during these days. Inagami was helping out with her drinking problem, too. He got her a job at a warehouse to keep her busy whenever she wasn't on a mission, so she didn't have as much time to drink, and he tried to keep her in the tattoo shop so she would get too distracted with having fun with Inagami to even think about Hidan and Egna. It killed her inside. This day, however... There was only one person Sireena wanted to see... And the whole day, she had gotten congradulations from everyone except Hidan. So, to forget the memory... Sireena drank, harder than she ever had. She didn't want to be able to recognize Hidan's face two days from now. She wanted to drown in her dissappointment... And she was succeeding. Nikimo had called Hidan earlier than usual, because she was getting worried. She felt that something bad would happen if Sireena didn't get home soon. When Hidan got there, Sireena was in bad shape. Falling over into people's laps, dancing around on the bar again, singing loudly and out of tune... She had destroyed the bar somehow, and found a way to even get the fish drunk! Hidan didn't know what to do. He had just had a perfectly fine day. He'd spent his day with Egna, they'd fooled around a Bit, and he couldn't take Sireena's shit right now. He was already stressed. "Look, Nikimo... I can't do it tonight. I'm done taking care of Sireena. Everytime the villager can't handle her, I'm the first person called. She's a big girl, just cut off her drinks and shell inch her way home." Hidan said quietly into the reciever so not to wake Egna. He then quickly hung up the phone and pretended like he wasn't feeling aweful about not going to see Sureena and make sure he got home safe. Nikimo was desperate and cut off Sireenas drinks. Within an hour, she had surely left and was stumbling her way home. She was completely alone and in the dark... Totally defenseless. When she passed an alley, some of the old girls from the academy that held a grudge against Sireena for catching Hidan's eyes watched her stumbling and got an idea. They wanted her to suffer... To mutillate her and see how much Hidan liked her then.
The girls dragged Sireena up into the alley and threw her against a brick wall. "Hey! What the he'll is you doing?! I'm trying to go home! I need a few more drinks before the nights over! I gotta find hidan..." Sireena mumbled incoherently. The girls all snickered and readied themselves. "Oh don't worry, Hidan will come to you." they smirked.

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