Chapter 13

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Sireena and Inigami walked down the streets of the Hot Springs Village, hand in hand to the main gates. It was the day of her new mission... Sireena was fully prepared for it. It was not very difficult either. An escort mission of some guy who was in Danger of being assassinated. Shed done plenty of these missions before... What Sireena was not prepared for was to workwith Hidan again. No matter what, they would always be partners... Meaning they had to start doing missions like this together again. At first, she had thought everything would be alright. So much had changed over the past three days... Her look, attitude, physical appearance, outlook on the world around her, she and Inigami were now officially a couple and in the process of finding a new home. Wanting to make Sireena feel better about the Hidan situation in any way ge could, Inigami also changed his look and tried very hard to take over the task of finding them a home. Sireena had woken up the morning after committing to Inigami with very thin, lace-like pixie wings on her back that were a deep metallic silver color and trimmed with Black. She also foun herself growing everytime she turned around. and her nails had become black claws with strange green veins. It terrified her at first, but when she told her mother, she learned about the truth of her birth... Another difficult blow for Sireena. In short, Sireena's mother came from a long line of Siren women and her father was a demon... Satin himself, to be exact. It explains why he left when she was so young... Her mother quickly showed her how to hide these scary traits and exposed to her that much more would be happening withing the next few months.

For now, the things Sireena could not control was that her eyes would continue to change colors due to her emotions and her body was becoming MUCH more defined... As well as her hair changing colors. Luckily, her mother said that would take a few years to finish changing. Her blood-colored hair was going to eventually change to a completely different color. It's never definite at first, but for the moment, Sireena's hair was the same, except for a single strand in the front, which she allowed to hang in her face while the rest of her waist length hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Her teeth were also all becoming sharper and more feline-like. Her outfit was now an earthy green t-shirt dress to about her mid thigh with a silver nylon overtop with long flowy sleeves and leaf and skull and anchor decals all over. When it got cold, she wore a fitted-sleeve overtop with a black jacket overtop the outfit. She of course couldn't ditch the bracelets, but did manage to change her shoes to black and gray converse-like hightops. She always wore all of her peircings and her lips were also changing from the familiar bloody red color to a more hypnotic, seducing and utterly strange black color with metallic silver etchings that he mother said were runes... Her lips could poison people if Sireena so wished... Along with her nails, teeth and gaze alone. Sireena still carried her sword and wore her black fingerless grinco's gloves... But those were the only two MAJOR weapons she was carrying. Everything else has been developed into secret jutsu's, chakra scrolls and forbidden skills. Sireena was nearly a completely different person.

Inigami now wore gray fitted jeans with a plain green t-shirt and matching black jacket to Sireena's and black converse. He didn't pulls his hair back, either. He teases it to look like Andy Biersack's now, and walks around with a smirk on his face. He was okay with not being a Ninja. He wasn't cut out for it. As he and Sireena approached the gates of the village, Sireena caught sight of Hidan standing alone in wait. She took a deep breath and put her poker face on, not letting Hidan in, or her emotions for him out. He wasn't going to see her break down on this trip. Inigami squeezed Sireena's hand when Hidan had caught sight of them. "You sure you're up for this?" he asked. Sireena nodded as they approached the still the same Hidan. "S-Sireena-chan..." he greeted her with a blush. She nodded her greeting, keeping her composure. Inigami stood of front of Sireena, giving her a slight smile. "Have a safe trip, and don't let him get to you... You'll be fine, sweety." he said. Sireena only nodded; giving one of her new fake smiles as Inigami gave her a passionate kiss goodbye. When he pulled back he turned to The gaping Hidan, smirked and let go of Sireena's hand. "Take care of my girl." he said before he left.
Hidan stood in shock for a few more moments, staring at the indifferent seeming Sireena. She was actually destroyed on the inside, seeing Hidan. He wore the usual torn fitted jeans and combat boots with one of the shirts she'd made him. It was one of her favorites to see on him. The plain white puffy one he wore often enough for it to be a bit wrinkled. Sireena silently marveled at his muscles beneath the shirt, his bright, vibrant green eyes... Pearly teeth and chiseled features. Sireena knew she couldn't get over him... But that didn't mean she had to stand him.

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