Chapter 10:

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Its been three days since Inagami had herd from sireena. He was worrying, and he didn't know what to do. Her mother had said Sireena locked herself in her room , playing 21 guns on loop... Not eating or drinking... Just crying. He payed in his bed; cursing Hidan for hurting her that when when there was a timid knock on his door. He got-up nd answers it shirtless. Sireena stood outside his door, wearing a dark gray track suit and tears still running down her face. She looked horrible. "Inagami..." she whimpered. He quickly enclosed her in his arms as she broke down crying. "Oh Sireena..." he whispered. He only just noticed it was raining and Sireena was soaked. "Hidan... He's marrying Egna... How Gould I be so fuckig stupid?" she cried. Inagami sighed and rubbed her back, trying to warm her up. "Its okay... I know. Your mom told me... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that happened to you, you aren't stupid, he is for passing you up." Inagami said. Sireena continued to cry. "I feel so weak and helpless... What am I going to do? He was my vest friend..." Sireena cried. Inagami rubbed her head. "Youre not going to ruin yourself over this. You are going to breathe, take a shower... And were going to have a few drinks and were gong to talk... Were going to make a plan to get you through thus, alright." Ingami said.
Sireena and Inagami are now sitting on his bed, drinking tee. Sireena took a shower in Inagami's bathroom and borrowed his sweats and a wife-beater. They had been talking and already made arrangements. Sireena was going to set her life straight, with or without Jidan... She didn't need him. But she had to let him go. "Alright... So it's settled?" Inagami asked. Sireena sighed. "Yeah... Thank you so much Inagami... I really needed this. I couldn't have continued on like that... Not knowing eerywhere I turned; they'd be there..." Sireena said. Inagami hugged her. "Its fine. I do it because I care... Look; I jnowbyoure tired and hungry... Let's eat something, go to bed and then tomorrow well go and get your stuff." Inagami said. Sireena nodded and sighed as they stood. "Youre right... no sense in stressing anymore. I'm settling the score once and for all..." she said as they had instant ramen. Inagami nodded. "Youll join AA, live with me... And well get you all fixed up. I promise, he won't hurt you again." Inagami said. Sireena nodded. "Arigato, Ini-kun... Hasimasu..." she said.

The next day...

Sireena sighed as she looked around her now bared room... Well, mostly. She took all of her clothes and a few pictures as posters from out of er room; everything else would stay. Sireena has decidedto move in with Inagami. She couldn't stay in her home as long as her mother and sister still worried. Now that Hidan's engaged, she couldn't sand to w around family. They'd badger her about getting out the house and finding someone else. She didn't want someone else, she wanted someone she could trust... With Hidan gone, Inagami became her safe blanket. She sighed as she took the only picture of Hidan and her that she hadn't torn up and smashed. She pulled it out of the frame and folded it in half, so Hidan was on one side and she was on another. She then shoved the picture in her pocket before Inagami walked in. "Hey... You okay? You're sure you want to do this?" he asked. Sireena nodded. "Yeah. I know it's for the best." she said. Inagami nodded. "Okay." he said, wrapping an arm around Sireena and rubbing her bare arm. "Well... It's time to start over..." she mumbled as she and Inagami walke out of her room. Her mother didn't say anything to Sireena... Simply smiled, hugged her and kissed her cheek. Sireena did the same. Her sister Alianna, on the other hand, was crying. "Why do you have to go?" she cried. Sireena sighed and ruffled her 13 year old sisters hair. "Oh sweety... Look... I'm not leaving you; I just need to get myself together. I'm sick, Alianna... And I don't want you seeing me like that... I'm going to stay with Inagami for a while, but I promise to come and visit everydy and see you when you go in your missions nd I'll be sure that by the time you get your first big mission outside the village; I'll take you out to my favorite restraunt growing up..." Sireena said with a small sniff. Alianna nodded. "Is that where you and Uncle Hidan use to go?" she asked. Sireena sighed. "yeah... Yeah it is... Look, I'm not really talking with Hidan right now... So let's keep this to ourselves for a while." Sireena said as her sister nodded. Sireena sighed and solemnly smiled. "Be safe, both of you." she said before she and Inagami left. As they stopped in front of his house, Inagami looked at Sireena. "Once you start in there, you have to commit to getting better. You sure about this?" he asked. Sireena nodded and sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be." she siged. Inagami nodded. "Okay... Then let's get you settled." he said, leading Sireena in. They spent a while putting up her clothes and things. Sireena looked so sad and tired to Inagami. He knew she hadn't gotten drunk in around 5 weeks now. She's had a few tastes to hold her over. She was deteriorating and fast. Inagami had to find a good distraction until he could get Sireena in an AA group. He picked up a pillow and threw it at her. Sireena caught it withought realizing and glanced at it. "Really?" She asked. Inagami's lip twitched. "No clue what your talking about..." he said sneakily. She rolled her eyes and threww the pillow on the bed again, going baack to what she was doing. Inagami took another pillow and threw it at her agin. Sireena looked up lay second and smacked it out of the way. "Seriously? Just no." she panted as the pillow had nearly given her a heart attack. Her lip twitched as she yet again turned back to folding her clothes. Inagami smirked as he took another pillow and threw it when she was most distracted, hitting Harbin the head. She gasped and finally cracked a smile that lit her face up. "Okay, thats it!" she exclaimed before climbing over the bed at him. They laughed as he picked her up and threw her back on the bed playfully before sitting on her stomach and tickrling her. They pillow-caught an tickled eachother for hours before they both collapsed on Inagami's bed, panting. "That was the most fun ie had in weeks..." Sireena chuckled. Inagami wrapped an arm around her and got comfortable. "Because you weren't stressing. See? I can be good for you." he chuckled. Sireena paused and silently nodded. "Im sure..." she said carefully. Inagami watched her in worry. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. sireena happily nodded. "Yeah, I was just thinking about things... Thank you, again fir helping me out." she sad. Inagami smiled at her. "Anything for a friend." he said. "Yeah... Thanks again... You're great..." Sireena mumbled as she fell asleep. Inagami watched her peaceful face as she slept... Sighing as she cuddled into his side. "I wish it was more than that..." he whispered before planting a quick kiss on her lips and going to sleep himself.

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