where do i begin?

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a very lonely girl stays in her room all the time. now that she's just graduated high school, she will never see her school friends again. but it's ok, she was always the very shy and quiet girl, she wasn't popular or well-known in school except for maybe being called a teacher's pet when she wasn't listening. all she's really had for company her entire life was music. it meant so much to her. her family had all abandoned her except for her mom and younger brother. she kept thinking that her mom was bipolar because of mood swings and her mom might have depression because she stayed home and slept all day. her brother always kept to himself a lot, and was known in school for carrying around a pocket knife and getting into fights. "i just want to fill the gaps between the seams of life" she kept whispering. what will happen to me? she was so scared of change, scared of the future, the unknown. she had no self-confidence, and only a few very close friends. she developed depression out of loneliness and being shut away for too long. she began to loose hope in herself....

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