wishing on stars

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on some nights, she used to look outside of her bedroom window and look up at the stars. there was this one that was a little bit different than the other ones, it shone a little bit more bluer, that was how she could always tell which star was hers. she claimed that star, it was hers, and it was something no one else could take away from her. just like when she memorized a song, no one else could take the lyrics and melody away from her. she sometimes wished on that star for other's happiness. when someone was upset or wanted something and she knew it, she wished on her star for other's hopes and dreams. and most of the time they came true. so.... why can't i wish something for myself....?

"star light, star bright

first star i see tonight

i wish i may, i wish i might

have this wish i wish tonight"

she closes her eyes and leans her head on the glass window. i wish..... for death.....

"doesn't matter who i am, i'll always long to change"

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