dizzy in my becoming

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i close my eyes and take a deep breath /feeling the cool air fill my lungs / the world around me fades into nothing / the sound of traffic & voices blending together into a dull roar / for a moment / all i feel is this overwhelming sense of dizzin...

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i close my eyes and take a deep breath /feeling the cool air fill my lungs / the world around me fades into nothing / the sound of traffic & voices blending together into a dull roar / for a moment / all i feel is this overwhelming sense of dizziness / like i’m losing my balance on the edge of a cliff /

is it vertigo or maybe just the dizzying feeling of life itself?

or is it something else entirely / the overwhelming sensation of trying to find my place in the world / trying to figure out who i am & where i am supposed to be?

i open my eyes and stare out at the city before me / the buildings tower over me /taller than any mountain i’ve ever seen / casting long shadows across the street / the sun glares brightly in the sky / shining down on the city like a spotlight on a stage /

i feel small suddenly / insignificant maybe / but also awed by the sheer size & scope of everything around me / it’s a dizzying feeling / like being on top of the world & yet somehow still feeling like you’re missing something vital at the same time /

as i walk / the sights & sounds of the city grow stronger / the honking cars / the chatter of people / the neon signs flashing incessantly / it’s too much / the noise & the movement all crashing into each other like waves against the shore / i feel like the world is spinning too fast / too dizzyingly fast / & i don’t know how to keep up /

perhaps this is just how life is / this constant whirlwind of change & chaos & uncertainty / maybe i’m meant to feel dizzy in my own becoming / perhaps the process of becoming is inherently dizzying / a whirlwind of emotions & experiences that leave me disoriented & confused /

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