chapter 14 |

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The morning sun filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor

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The morning sun filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Fray was still curled up in a ball, oblivious to the world around her. The rest of the Careers, were all sat in between the rocks, their camping from last night as they all woke up. Dusk, ever the resourceful one, had managed to forage a meager breakfast of berries he'd found around.

Azalea knelt beside him, her eyes scanning the foliage with practiced ease. "Be careful," she warned, her voice low. "Some berries can be deadly."

Dusk nodded, his focus intense as he examined the berries. "I know," he replied, his tone serious as he smiled cheekily. "I've read the books."

One by one, he identified the edible berries, separating them from the potentially poisonous ones. Azalea couldn't help but be impressed. The man who had once seemed solely focused on combat was displaying an unexpected survival skill. They shared the meager meal in silence, the taste of the berries a stark contrast to the luxurious breakfasts she had once enjoyed back home.

A heavy silence settled over the group, broken only by the occasional crunch of a berry. The first night in the arena had taken its toll, and everyone seemed lost in their own thoughts. Azalea couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Yes, she was safe within this group of kids for now, but they were still targets, still players in a deadly game, and the sun's rise marked the beginning of a new day, filled with uncertainty and danger.

Azalea's mind raced as she chewed on the bitter berries. Only twelve tributes remained, a stark reminder of the deadly game they were playing. And there were already five here. She glanced at Dusk, who was focused on the task of identifying edible plants. His profile, lit by the morning sun, revealed a man both strong and vulnerable. Could she trust him?

As Azalea was lost in thought, a sudden exclamation from Sparks pulled her back to reality. His mouth was full of berries, but his eyes were wide with a mix of curiosity and fear. "Have you seen this?" he spluttered, pointing towards the sky.

Everyone turned to where he was indicating. High above, a strange insect-like creature hovered, its body elongated and shimmering in the sunlight. It was larger than a bee but not bigger than a cockroach, its movements controlled in the sky.

"Yeah, did you just notice them big guy?" Dusk laughed, as he started eating his berries.

Azalea's mind raced. She had been so focused on survival that she hadn't noticed these creatures before either. They were everywhere, hovering silently in the sky. Sunshine, her voice as emotionless as ever, broke the silence. "Those are the cameras," she stated matter-of-factly.

Sparks' jaw dropped. "Cameras?" he echoed, his voice filled with disbelief. "Like the ones were we watch the games from back home?"

Dusk nodded, smiling towards Sparks. "They need to broadcast the Hunger Games," he explained as he laughed, using simpler terms to accommodate Sparks' apparent limited understanding. "They need to show the people back home the spectacle."

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