a tiny bit before you read.

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holy shit, i'm back on wattpad. what a surprise.

first of all i would like to address all of the people who not only commented on the story but also privately messaged me, pleading for a continuation of the story. well, i come with both good and bad news. the good news is that i am finally returning to wattpad and continuing writing this story. the bad news (or atleast for all the people who have wasted their time reading the former story) is that the story is going to be completely rebuild. and by that i mean COMPLETELY. nothing from the old story will be seen in the new and updated version. with that i mean, its a whole ass new story. so please excuse my former story that contained horrible writing, me being a desperate 14 year old trying to become a writer.

the reason why i have decided to write a completely new story is simply just because i didn't feel like the story was appropriate and frankly it wouldn't lead to anywhere. the main character was way too young for the teacher so it just didn't work out at all. yeah my bad.

hopefully the people who already read the old story will try reading the new one and realize that it's much better (or at least in my biased opinion). and to all the newcomers who are taking a chance in reading my story: i am honored and i hope that it is worth your while.

as a disclaimer i would like to say that i am nowhere near fluent in english as it isn't my native language but i will try as best as i can to write the story to its fullest potential - that may include a few grammar mistakes here and there, so i would appreciate it if you would take a bit of your time to correct me in the comments so i can learn from my mistakes. it only helps me to get better at english and to convey my story with the message i am trying to put out.

Also... (sorry)

i don't get paid to write my stories therefore i would appreciate it if you would take a minute to comment and vote. In all honesty, that's what keeps me motivated to continuously keep writing, which is pretty damn fantastic since it literally takes less than a minute to do.

And now for the annoyingly but important:


I work incredibly hard on my stories, therefore it really pisses me off when people try to steal it, or take credit for something i stay up late to write. I have nothing against people who get inspiration from my stories, that's really awesome, and I definitely get really honored. But when people decide to use all my hard work for their own benefit, to get fans, or reads, that's when i get, not only angry, but really sad and disappointed. If any of ya'll see somebody whose story is identical to mine, and i mean COMPLETELY identical (down to all words, and sentences) please notify me. It's not cool, and it's really disrespectful to the rightful owners.

All rights reserved to me. Not one part from this story may be reproduced, or copied without MY permission. If anyone wants to translate this story, you have to message ME first, and then we'll discuss further. If i happen to give you permission to translate, you will give full credit to me. If i see anyone using my content without my knowledge, you will be reported, and blocked. This book is completely fictional, which means that all the places, names and characters, are FICTIONAL. If there is any resemblance to actual people, places, other books, it is purely coincidental. I DO NOT copy other people's stories, so do not try to accuse me of exactly that.

i hope i made myself clear :)

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