thunderstorm 2

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chuuya caresses my cock in between his hands then sits on my lap placing his cute little ass on my bulge making me more hard "it's so rough" the chibi said as he kept adjusting on my lap I couldn't take it anymore and I kissed him then got up and pinned him to the ground making him yelp 

No ones pov 

The ginger couldn't help but squirm he let out little moans and pants only loud enough for the brunette to hear but he wanted more the brunette roughly bit the gingers neck making him scream and moan "AH!~ THAT HURTS!~ P-PLEASE STOP AT LEAST BIT SLOWER!~~" the ginger yelped from the pain as the brunette was satisfied with the moans coming from the ginger 

( 2 hours later )

The ginger was still shaking from the thunderstorm and how he just got his ass railed by the brunette who was gently biting the gingers little wolf ear as he sat in-between the brunettes legs cuddling him burying his face into the brunettes chest. "hey chibi wanna go to the market?" the ginger nodded as they both got up and got dressed heading out The ginger looked around in awe as he has only been to this village once he loved the decorations on each stand the vines hanging off the trees and the warm sun shining down on them "aw chibi looks very excited about being here~" "well yeah I've only been here once and that's only when I RAN away from YOU" the ginger scowled and rolled his eyes as he looked forward "chibi if you keep rolling your eyes like that I will make them roll back~" the brunette said in a deep seductive tone The ginger didn't understand and just ignored it and they kept walking "what are we even here to buy?" the ginger ask's as they kept walking "some meat and herbs" 

(They don't live in the cities this takes back when they lived in cottages for those who didn't know)

"ok" the ginger smiled making the brunettes heart melt as his little boyfriend they walked for a bit then finally found the meat market the brunette let the ginger choose the meat then they both left the ginger didn't notice the meat seller whistling at him when he turned around but the brunette did he shot daggers at the man then proceeded to walk away this happened a some more times with other shop owners even some flirting with him so they both left the brunette looked pissed. Once they got back to their home the brunette took the hoodie off and placed the meat and herbs onto the wooden table as he then started cooking "hey is something wrong" the ginger leaned over to see the frustrated brunette who quickly hanged his emotions "yeah Chuuya I'm all good.." the ginger looked at him in confusion the brunette almost never called him by his name he only gave him Nicknames the ginger looked at him with puppy eyes as he grabbed him by the arm and squeezed it " I don't like it when people lie to me osamu dazai" the ginger said in a serious tone causing the brunette to shiver a bit but blush he loved when the ginger spoke to him like that. "I'm not lying chu~ I'm just a bit tired!" he fakes a happy voice then  turns his head to kiss the ginger but the ginger back away a bit "no kisses until you tell me what's wrong.." the ginger had a stern voice and was serious the brunette could tell so he just go back to cooking. 

Some hours went by since the ginger locked himself in their room and hasn't come out the brunette was starting to regret his decision and decided to tell the ginger at supper time. the brunette knocked on the door as it opens only a bit the brunette did a weak little smile as he calmly said "chu supper is ready~" the ginger tried closing the door but the brunette put his foot in-between in and stopped it from closing as he opened it all the way and backed the ginger up into a wall kissing him roughly as he grabbed onto his waist picking him up then holding his thighs. 

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